Impact of Summer Temperatures on Workers’ Health and Safety Pour voir la vidéo, veuillez activer Javascript et considérez mettre à jour votre navigateur à une version supportant le HTML5. To view this video please enable JavaScript, and consider upgrading to a web browser that supports HTML5 video. Is there a statistical relationship between outdoor temperature and the incidence of illness or accidents among workers? France Labrèche, researcher with the IRSST, is presenting a new report on “Summer Temperatures, Ozone Concentrations and Occupational Injuries Accepted for Compensation in Quebec”. From the same project Scientific Reports Summer Temperatures,Ozone Concentrations and Occupational Injuries Accepted for Compensation in Quebec R-872, R-953 Video Reports and Conferences Summer temperatures, ozone concentrations and compensated occupational injuries in Québec CF-174 Scientific Publications Can compensation statistics detect the impact of summer outdoor temperatures on workers' health and safety? Preliminary results in Quebec (Canada)Adam-Poupart A., Smargiassi A., Zayed J. , Marc-Antoine Busque, Patrice Duguay, Fournier M., France LabrècheSource : in Improving the Impact : 23rd International Conference on Epidemiology in Occupational Health / EPICOH 2.0.13, (23rd : June 18-21, 2013 : Utrecht, The Netherlands), 2013Summer outdoor temperature and occupational heat-related illnesses in Québec (Canada)Adam-Poupart A., Smargiassi A., Marc-Antoine Busque, Patrice Duguay, Fournier M., Zayed J. , France LabrècheSource : Environmental Research, vol. 134, 2014, p. 339-344The usefulness of compensation statistics to detect heat-related health outcomes in a temperature climate: the experience of QuebecFrance Labrèche, Adam-Poupart A., Marc-Antoine Busque, Patrice Duguay, Fournier M., Zayed J. , Smargiassi A.Source : in Challenges for occupational epidemiology in the 21st century : 24th International Epidemiology in Occupational Health Conference / EPICOH 2014, (24th : June 24-27, 2014 : Chicago, USA), Occupational and Environmental Medicine, vol. 71, suppl. 1, 2014, p. A40The associations between work-related injuries and summer outdoor temperatures in Québec, CanadaAdam-Poupart A., France Labrèche, Marc-Antoine Busque, Fournier M., Patrice Duguay, Zayed J. , Smargiassi A.Source : in Global Forum for Prevention: XXthWorld Congress on Safety and Health at Work, (20th : August 24-27, 2014 : Frankfurt, Germany), 2014Associations entre la température estivale, les concentrations d'ozone et les lésions professionnelles acceptées au QuébecAdam-Poupart A.Source : Communication présentée au Rendez-vous de la science de l'IRSST, Montréal, Canada.Association between outdoor ozone and compensated acute respiratory diseases among workers in Quebec (Canada)Adam-Poupart A., France Labrèche, Marc-Antoine Busque, Brand A., Patrice Duguay, Fournier M., Zayed J. , Smargiassi A.Source : (2015). Industrial Health, 53(2), 171-175. doi: 10.2486/indhealth.2014-0136Effect of summer outdoor temperatures on work-related injuries in Quebec (Canada)Adam-Poupart A., Smargiassi A., Marc-Antoine Busque, Patrice Duguay, Fournier M., Zayed J. , France LabrècheSource : (2015). Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 72(5), 338-345. doi: 10.1136/oemed-2014-102428 From the same series: Research Flash (2017) Évaluation d’un système de corde d’assurance horizontale, de connecteurs d’ancrage et de fermes contreventées comme structure d’accueil lors de la pose de toitures résidentielles Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome: A Great Unknown Indicators of compensated occupational injuries Relations interculturelles - Comprendre le processus de réadaptation et de retour au travail Design requirements for an OHS risk assessment tool (supervisory training instructors) Additional Information Collection: Video reports and conferences Category: Video Summary On screen: France Labrèche - Senior professional researcher - IRSST Produced by: Maura Tomi - Screenplay and DirectedPhilippe Lemay - Filming and Editing Research Project: 2011-0047 Research Field: Special Projects Publication no.: CS-012 Language: English Online since: February 20, 2017 Recorded date: February 17, 2017 Format: Video Duration: 3:14