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Ph.D. Chemistry; Chemist; Certified Industrial Hygienist (CIH); Registered Occupational Hygienist (ROH)
B.App.Sc. Fluid Mechanics; M.Sc. Fluid Dynamics and Transfers; Ph.D. Fluid Mechanics
Eng. (Québec); Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering
P.Eng. Industrial and Mechanical Engineering; M.A.Sc. Industrial Engineering; Ph.D. Industrial Engineering
B.A. Literary Studies; M.Sc. Demographics
Ph. D. Doctorat interdisciplinaire en santé et société (interdiciplinary Ph.D. in health and society), M.Sc. Ergonomics
Ph.D. Anthropology
Ph. D. Doctorat interdisciplinaire en santé et société (interdiciplinary Ph.D. in health and society), B.B.A. Human Resource Management; M.Sc. Management Sciences
B.Sc. Biological Sciences; M.Sc. Demographics
Eng. (Québec); M.App.Sc. Mechanical Engineering
M.Sc. Biology, Ergonomics; D.E.S.S. (specialized graduate diploma) Ergonomic Intervention in Occupational Health and Safety
B.Sc. Medical Biology; M.Sc. Microbiology and Immunology; Ph.D. Public Health, option Toxicology and Risk Assessment
B.Sc. Psychology; M.Sc. Health Sciences
Eng. (Québec); B.Eng. Electrical Engineering; M.App.Sc. Applied Science; Ph. D. Industrial Engineering
M.Sc. Kinanthropology, concentration in Ergonomics; interdisciplinary Ph.D. Health and Society
B.Sc. Physical Activity; M.Sc. Kinanthropology; Ph.D. Clinical Sciences.
Eng., Electrical Engineering
B.Sc. Economics; M.Sc. Finance
B.Sc. Microbiology; M.Sc. Biology; Ph.D. Microbiology
Jr. Eng. (Québec), Physics; M.A.Sc. Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering
B.Sc. Chemistry; M.A. Chemistry; Ph.D. Chemistry
Eng. (Québec) Electrical Engineering; M. Eng. Automated Production Engineering
CEP Electrical Engineering; M.Sc. Physics; Ph.D. Physical Engineering
Ph.D. Ergonomics; M.Sc. Ergonomics; Postgraduate Diploma in Work Disability Prevention, B. Eng. (Petrochemical Technology)
Ph. D. Organizational Psychology
Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering
B.Sc. Biochemistry; M.Sc. Biochemistry, Molecular Biology; Ph.D. Public Health, option Toxicology and Risk Assessment
M.Sc. Mechanical Engineering; Ph.D. Mechanical Engineering
Ph.D. Sociology, joint program at Université de Montréal and Aix-Marseille Université; M.Sc. Sociology, Université de Montréal