IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

How to Choose Slip-Resistant Occupational Footwear


Choosing work boots and shoes that have adequate slip resistance is not a simple exercise, especially when work surfaces cannot be controlled, such as outdoors, where there can be snow, ice, soil, wet surfaces, etc.

To make an informed choice, you must take into account a number of factors related to the worker, the environment and the tasks to be accomplished. It is useful to understand certain concepts such as coefficient of friction (CoF) and the applicable standards. You should also be aware of the conditions under which “anti-slip” footwear has been tested.

This information pamphlet sets out the steps to take in selecting footwear that provides good grip as well as adequate protection against other hazards. It also includes a number of resources to learn more and to determine the type of footwear best adapted to the demands of your workplace.

This information pamphlet is addressed to health and safety committee members, purchasers and workers.

Additional Information

Research Project: 0099-8760
Knowledge Transfer Activity: 2013-0003
Online since: December 05, 2016
Format: Text