IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Guide to an integrated practices program for supporting a return to work and promoting job retention - Facilitating an employee’s return to work following an absence for a mental health problem


This guide was designed to help you develop a process for assisting and supporting the return to work of employees who have been absent from work for mental health reasons, ultimately to facilitate their recovery and return to work.

It is a practical guide that spells out both individual support strategies and organizational changes that can be made. It is intended for company executives and managers, human resources departments, and union groups concerned about workers’ health and job retention, but also for prac¬titioners in the workplace, particularly physicians, occupa¬tional health professionals, company psychologists, and rehabilitation counsellors.

Additional Information

Category: Technical guide
  • Louise St-Arnaud
  • Mariève Pelletier
Research Project: 0099-5390
Knowledge Transfer Activity: 2011-0022
Research Field: Occupational Rehabilitation
Online since: November 04, 2013
Format: Text