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Defines its mission, which consists of training professionals from different milieus (industry, government and other toxicology sectors) so that they become examples to be followed in this field. Encourages the sharing of information and the application of new developments in toxicology. Lists the qualifications required to join each of the member classes. Takes a position on the use of animals in toxicological research and presents the policy established for it.
Is interested in the scientific aspects of biosafety in activities involving the use of pathogenic or genetically modified organisms (for example, in the agrifood, pharmaceutical, medical, veterinary, environmental sectors, etc.) Explains the regulatory context surrounding biosafety in Belgium and the evaluation system used. Addresses the protection of workers exposed to biological agents in the workplace, the voluntary dissemination of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in the environment and their introduction on the European market. Also presents information on biosafety in Europe and in other countries.
Informs the public about pesticides and proposes alternatives to their use. Offers a few means of prevention to consider and solutions for a pesticide-related emergency. Offers on-line ordering of reports, brochures, reports and other types of documents. Mentions certain problems being studied, including the following:
States the mission of the scientific toxicology meetings, namely to promote the continuing education of professionals in this field at all stages of their careers by allowing them to exchange ideas on new scientific developments and current research. Defines each of the Society’s committees and provides an overview of the awards and scholarships given every year. Lists the main specialties established to create coordination points between the members:
Contains specialized information on crucial health issues and develops educational kits to help different target groups remain in good health and adopt healthy living habits (seniors, immigrants, parents, educators/teachers, indigenous peoples, etc.). Lists the resources for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and addresses the question of healthcare as well as the national health insurance plan. Specifies the prevention and monitoring programs that are currently in place for reducing the frequency of diseases and disorders.
A resource portal for chemicals. Find Chemicals by name, structure, CAS number, functional group, manufacturer, country, categories.
Presents a small directory of the Council’s members to promote their goods and services. Indicates the training sessions offered for each method of transportation of goods (air, ground, water or a combination of them) in order to improve safety. Develops certain recommendations to help companies become aware of the terrorist threats to which they are exposed. Develops the list of comments made by the Council members regarding the regulations of the US Department of Transportation on the transportation of dangerous goods.
Summarizes the two types of possible memberships (corporate or individual) and the related advantages. Names all the corporate members of the Association as well as the organizations that sponsor its activities. Presents a list of courses and seminars offered. Presents the working groups and their main activities:
Devotes one section to accidental spills of hazardous materials and another to risk management. Presents the recommendations formulated by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) regarding the various types of transportation (airplane, train, road, intermodal) and presents an emergency measures guide intended for police officers, fire fighters and other workers who are the first responders on an accident site. Divides its activities into seven separate offices relating to hazardous materials:
Defines the different types of credentials offered by the Association and contains one section on continuing education. Takes a position on current subjects concerning the members and details the R&D programs sponsored by the NEHA:
Presents general information on pesticides and their relationship to safety, food, the environment, animals, etc. Contains information sheets on toxicology, different types of databases and statistics. Presents current regulations, lists a few solutions for controlling the presence of insects, and sources to be contacted in emergencies.
The Pesticide Action Network Pesticide Database is your one-stop location for current toxicity and regulatory information for pesticides.
PubChem is the world's largest collection of freely accessible chemical information. Search chemicals by name, molecular formula, structure, and other identifiers. Find chemical and physical properties, biological activities, safety and toxicity information, patents, literature citations and more.
Solves problems related to radiation in workplaces, in the environment, at school and at home, by giving consultations to concerned clients and by developing a range of technical services:
Promotes the exchange of information on birth defects including their type, cause and the means to prevent them. Indicates the criteria for becoming a member of the Society and presents a code of ethics to be followed. Devotes one section to students proposing some educational institutions that offer a program in teratology, possible sources of funding, a short history of this discipline, as well as professional associations to join.
Promotes the advancement and application of scientific research related to contaminants and other stressors in the environment. Promotes the use of science in environmental policy and decision-making. Presents the Society’s interest groups, which work mainly on contaminated soils, ecological risk assessment, and whole effluent toxicity. Orients its research in the following fields:
Brings together scientists and specialists from teaching institutions, government and industry to promote the acquisition and use of toxicological knowledge and to protect public health. Commitment to offering education in toxicology, and scholarships to students that distinguish themselves in this field. Describes the services offered to members and provides certain resources to the public, such as information on a career in toxicology or the teaching of this science in primary and secondary school. Invites students to take part in a forum on toxicology and explains the importance of animals in research.
ToxTutor is a self-paced tutorial covering key principles of toxicology for users of the National Library of Medicine (NLM) chemical and toxicology databases. While a knowledge of anatomy and physiology is not required for viewing ToxTutor, the Introduction to the Human Body from the National Cancer Institute provides a good introduction to the topic.
UNEP Chemicals is the center for all chemicals-related activities of the United Nations Environment Programme. Our goal is to make the world a safer place from toxic chemicals. We do this by helping governments take needed global actions for the sound management of chemicals, by promoting the exchange of information on chemicals, and by helping to build the capacities of countries around the world to use chemicals safely.
Investigates chemical accidents in order to determine their causes, and develops safety recommendations for government offices, unions, commercial associations and other types of organizations in order to reduce risks. Lists the accidents currently being investigated or have been investigated and gives a brief description of each. Provides a list of recommendations that were made to different organizations.
Serves the public by using the best science, taking responsive public health actions, and providing trusted health information to prevent harmful exposures and disease related to toxic substances. Includes an information section on hazardous substances and another with some resources to be used in emergencies. Mainly includes sections reserved for children and their parents, health professionals and American Indian tribes.
Is interested in what reduces air quality in homes, namely pollution sources (combustion sources, some deteriorated building materials and furnishings as well as household cleaning and maintenance products) and poor ventilation. Devotes specific sections to molds, asthma, secondhand smoke, and radon gas. One section is on large area buildings and another on children.
Answers a few questions about pesticides, such as their definition, the products that contain them, their related hazards, the different types that exist, etc. Describes the effects of pesticides on the environment and provides resources for eliminating plant-borne insect problems effectively and correctly. Explains the legislation activities undertaken by the agency to control the use of pesticides and the application of the regulations.