IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Prevention of occupational psychological health problems through training in the use of an organizational diagnostic tool for psychosocial risks that is accessible on the interactive Web site


Occupational psychological health problems have been increasing alarmingly in the last twenty or so years, becoming an issue of concern. This situation dictates the adoption of a primary prevention strategy inspired by the methods for detecting and preventing risks known more for worker health and safety. The aim of this knowledge project is to offer managers a tool for the early detection of psychosocial risks that allows the workers’ psychological health to be evaluated as well as an organizational diagnosis to be established. An existing program and guide will first be validated by a sample of human resource managers, and then reproduced on a DVD included in a training kit. The objective is also to create software for producing organizational diagnosis reports in order to rapidly establish a company’s psychosocial risk profile. This material will facilitate the adoption of a more preventive than curative approach to psychosocial, psychological health, burnout, and organizational crisis risks.

Additional Information

Type: Project
Number: 0099-7010
Status: Completed
Year of completion: 2009
Research Field: Special Projects
  • Gilles Dupuis (Centre de liaison sur l'intervention et la prévention psychosociales)
  • Mireille Mathieu (Centre de liaison sur l'intervention et la prévention psychosociales)
  • Christian Voirol (Université du Québec à Montréal )
  • Renée Latulippe (Centre de liaison sur l'intervention et la prévention psychosociales)
  • Michèle Poirier (Centre de liaison sur l'intervention et la prévention psychosociales)
  • Jean-Pierre Martel (Université du Québec à Montréal )
  • Jean Perrault (Centre de liaison sur l'intervention et la prévention psychosociales)