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To facilitate the dissemination of research results and their application by workplaces, the IRSST established a fruitful partnership with the joint sector-based associations (ASPs). Firmly rooted in the various industry sectors they serve and familiar with the concerns of both workers and employers, these associations have adopted intervention strategies appropriate to their sectors.
An association with the Fédération des omnipraticiens du Québec (FMOQ), the IRSST produced two innovative diagnostic guides cfor physicians to help them assess hand and wrist injuries caused by repetitive work. The guides addressed a need expressed by the community regarding two types of injury: carpal tunnel syndrome and De Quervain’s tendinitis. This process also led the FMOQ to develop its own independent study module on the diagnosis of these types of injury for its members.
Trefflé Lacombe
Trefflé Lacombe became the newly appointed chairman of the Board of Directors. He replaced Pierre Gabriel who had served as acting chairman since the departure of Pierre Shedleur.