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Airborne contamination in eastern Canadian sawmills: Lack of IgG response despite high exposure levels
Duchaine C., Mériaux A., Cormier Y.
Source : American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medecine, vol. 159, no 3, Part 2, March 1999, p. A234
Usefulness of using three different culture media for mold recovery in exposure assessment studies
Duchaine C., Mériaux A., Comtois P.
Source : Aerobiologia, vol. 18, no 3/4, 2002, p. 245-251
Comparison of filter dust sampling and liquid impingement in environmental entodoxin measurement
Duchaine C., Thorne P. S., Mériaux A., Grimard Y., Cormier Y.
Source : Applied and Environmental Microbiology, vol. 67, p. 2775-2780
Effectiveness if liquid impinger sampling for endotoxin exposure assessment
Duchaine C., Cormier Y., Mériaux A., Grimard Y., Whitten P., Thorne P. S.
Source : Health Research in Rural and Remote Canada: The Next Steps" : Conference of the Consortium for Rural Health Research (October 18 - 21, 2001 : Saskatoon, SK, Canada), 2001
Source : American Society for Microbiology 101st General Meeting (101st : May 20-24, 2001 : Orlando, Florida), 2002
Airborne contamination in Eastern Canadian sawmills: lack of IgG response despite high exposure levels
Source : Rural and Remote Health: Exploring the Issues (October 21-23, 2000 : Ottawa, Canada), 2000
Respiratory impact of working in eastern canadian sawmills
Cormier Y., Mériaux A., Duchaine C.
Source : Archives of Environmental Health, vol. 55, 2000, p. 424-430
Assessment of particulates and bioaerosols in Eastern Canada sawmills
Duchaine C., Mériaux A., Thorne P. S., Cormier Y.
Source : American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, vol. 61: p. 727-732
Airborne Microfungi from Eastern Canadian Sawmills
Duchaine C., Mériaux A.
Source : Canadian Journal of Microbiology, vol. 46, 2000, p. 612-617
The airborne mycoflora of sawmills: the usefulness of three different culture media for mold recovery
Source : American Society for Microbiology general meeting (May 21-25, 2000 : Los Angeles, California), 2000
Respiratory health of eastern canadian sawmill workers: impact of airborne contamination
Source : in American Lung Association / American Thoracic Society International Conference (May 5-20, 2000 : Toronto, Canada), 2000
Airborne Contamination of Eastern Canada Sawmills
Source : in Bioaerosols, Fungi and Mycotoxins: Health Effects, Assessment, Prevention and Control. E. Johanning, E. (ed.). Albany, NY, Eastern New York Occupational and Environmental Health Center, 1999
Bioaérosols dans les scieries du Québec et impact sur la santé respiratoire des travailleurs
Duchaine C., Mériaux A., Bédard G., Cormier Y.
Source : in Réunion annuelle conjointe de l’Association des pneumologues du Québec et de la Société de thoracologie du Québec (2 octobre, 1999 : Laval, Canada), 1999
Airborne contamination in 17 sawmills of Eastern Canada
Source : in 3rd International Conference on Bioaerosols, Fungi, and Mycotoxins (September 23-25, 1998 : Saratoga Springs, New York), 1998