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Environmental stress, the case of Quebec police force: A new approach
Côté M.-M.
Source : in International Symposium on Environmental Stress, (1st : 1989 : Tampere, Finlande), Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Environmental Stress held in Tampere, Finland, 5-8 July 1989, Manninen, O. (ed.), Tampere, Finlande, ACES Publishing, 1989,
Combining scientific and practical knowledge for a better understanding of occupational diseases
Côté M.-M., Baril R., Kuorinka I.
Source : in International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management, (3rd : 1990 : Kyoto, Japan), Human Factors in Organizational Design and Management III. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Human Factors in Organizational Design
Participation in workplace design with reference to low-back pain: A case for the improvement of the police patrol car
Kuorinka I., Côté M.-M., Baril R., Geoffrion R., Giguère D., Dalzell M.-A., Larue C.
Source : Ergonomics, vol. 37, no 7, 1994, p. 1131-1136
Utilisation de l'analyse des traces dans un contexte participatif
Giguère D., Baril R., Côté M.-M., Geoffrion R., Kuorinka I., Larue C.
Source : in Actes du congrès de la Société d'ergonomie de langue française / SELF, (26e : 3-5 octobre, 1990 : Montréal, Canada), 1990, p. 237-240
Definition of professional vehicule functional components by its users - Case of a patrol car re-design
Giguère D., Côté M.-M., Kuorinka I., Baril R., Larue C.
Source : in Congress of the International Egonomics Association / IEA (11e : July 1991 : Paris, France), Designing for everyone: Proceeding of the 11th Congress of the International Egonomics Association / IEA, Quéinnec, Y.; Daniellou, F. (éds), Paris, France, 1991, vol. 3, p. 219-220
Design of professional vehicles : case of the introduction of computer equipment in police patrol cars
Giguère D., Larue C., Gilbert D.
Source : in Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Human Factors Association of Canada (30th : October 19-22, 1998 : Mississauga, Ontario), 1998, p. 81-85