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Database for the toxicological evaluation of mixtures in occupational atmospheres
Vyskocil A., Drolet D., Viau C., Brodeur J., Tardif R., Gérin M., Baril M., Truchon G., Lapointe G.
Source : Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, vol. 18, no 3, 2004, p. 235-242
Assessment of the toxicological risk of chemical mixtures in the workplace (Affiche)
Vyskocil A., Drolet D., Lemay F., Viau C., Lapointe G., Tardif R., Truchon M., Baril M., Gagnon N., Bégin D., Gérin M., Gagnon F.
Source : in Society of Toxicology Annual Meeting and ToxExpo (44th : March 6-10, 2005 : New Orleans, United States), 2005
Interactions toxicologiques en milieu de travail : un outil Web d'aide à la décision pour la gestion du risque
Drolet D., Vyskocil A., Lemay F., Viau C., Lapointe G., Tardif R., Truchon G., Baril M., Gagnon N., Bégin D., Gagnon F., Gérin M.
Source : in La SST de la pratique à l’intégration…un défi ! : 27e congrès de l’Association québécoise pour l’hygiène, la santé et la sécurité du travail / AQHSST (27e : 17-19 mai, 2005 : St-Hyacinthe, Canada), 2005
A computer tool to "vampirize" some occupational health and safety Web sites
Drolet D., St-Jacques A., Simard S.
Source : in American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exhibition / AIHCE, (May 21-26, 2005 : Anaheim, California), 2005
A web tool for the identification of potential interactive effects of chemical mixtures
Vyskocil A., Drolet D., Lemay F., Viau C., Lapointe G., Tardif G., Truchon G., Baril M., Gagnon N., Bégin D., Gérin M.
Source : in Occupational Hygiene 2005 : British Occupational Hygiene Society Annual Conference (April 19-21, 2005 : Manchester, U.S.A.), 2005, p. 45
A Web-based tool for the management of the toxicological risk of chemical mixtures
Drolet D., Lemay F., Truchon G., Baril M., Vyskocil A., Viau C., Tardif R., Bégin D., Gérin M., Gagnon N., Lapointe G.
Risk evaluation of multichemical exposures at industrial emergencies
Borska L., Fiala Z., Borsky T., Vyskocil A., Kremlacek J.
Source : in International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment, (12th : June 12-17, 2005 : Skiatos Island, Greece), 2005
A database for the assessment of potential interactive effects of chemical mixtures at workplace
Vyskocil A., Drolet D., Viau C., Lemay F., Lapointe G., Tardif G., Truchon G., Baril M., Gagnon N., Gagnon F., Bégin D., Gérin M.
Source : Toxicology Letters, vol. 15, suppl. 1, 2005, p. S75
Assessment of the toxicological risk of chemical mixtures at workplace
Vyskocil A., Drolet D., Viau C., Lemay F., Lapointe G., Tardif G., Truchon G., Baril M., Gagnon N., Bégin D., Gérin M.
Source : Toxicological Sciences, vol. 84, no 1-S, 2005, p. 244
Vyskocil A., Drolet D., Viau C., Lemay F., Lapointe G., Tardif R., Truchon G., Baril M., Gagnon N., Gagnon F., Bégin D., Gérin M.
Source : Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, vol. 4, no 4, 2007, p. 281-287
Interactions between chemicals and drugs in the workplace. Is there a cause for concern?
Emond C., Lapointe C., Vyskocil A.
Source : in Eurotox 2006 : 43rd Congress of The European Societies of Toxicology (September 20-24, 2006 : Dubronik, Croatia), Toxicology Letters, vol. 164S, 2006, no P6-10, p. S125-S126
Health risk evaluation of exposure to mixtures of chemicals in occupational air
Fiala Z., Vyskocil A., Lemay F., Kremlacek J., Borska L., Drolet D., Borsky T., Viau C.
Source : in Conference of Czech Society of Toxicology (June 11-13, 2007 : Prague), 2007
Source : Chemicke Listy, vol. 101, 2007, p. S94-S96
Occupational health risk evaluation of exposure to mixtures of chemicals
Source : Toxicology Letters, vol. 172, suppl. 1, 2007, p. S115
Application of software product "Mixie" for occupational health risk evaluation of exposure to mixtures of chemicals
Source : Toxicology Letters, vol. 180, Suppl. 1, 2008, p. S145
Impact des interactions toxicologiques sur la gestion des situations d’exposition à des contaminants multiples
Vyskocil A., El Majidi N., Lemay F., Viau C., Gagnon F., Tardif R., Drolet D.
Source : in "Santé au travail : nouvelles connaissances mobilisables" : rencontes scientifiques de l'Agence française de sécurité sanitaire de l'environnement et du travail / AFSSET, (7 mai, 2008 : Paris, France), 2008