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Hypersensitivity pneumonitis in peat moss factory
Cormier Y., Israël-Assayag E., Bédard G., Duchaine C.
Source : American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, vol. 157, no 3, 1998, p. A888
Microflora of air and peat in peat moss processing plants in Eastern Canada
Pageau P., Mériaux A., Cormier Y., Goyer N., Duchaine C.
Source : in American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Proceedings of the 98th Conference of the American Thoracic Society (98th : May 17-22, 2002 : Atlanta, Georgia), no 8 , 2002, p. A522
Rural work environment: evaluation of air harmfulness by in vitro tests on pulmonary epithelial cells
Létourneau V., Mériaux A., Chakir J., Cormier Y., Duchaine C.
Source : in Future of Rural People : Rural Economy, Healthy People, Environment, Rural communities : 5th International Symposium (5th : October 18-24, 2003 : Saskatoon, Alberta), 2003
Assessment of exposure to Mycobacterium in peat moss processing plants using real time PCR and sequence analysis
Cayer M. P., Veillette M., Hamelin R., Bergeron M.-J., Cormier Y., Duchaine C.
Sentitization to airborne molds and its health effects in peat moss factory workers
Cormier Y., Pageau P., Mériaux A., Assayag E., Duchaine C.
Source : in Skokloster Workshop (4th : April 7-10 2003 : Department of Environmental Medicine, Gothenburg, Sweden), 2003
Pageau P., Cormier Y., Mériaux A., Goyer N., Duchaine C.
Source : in Skokloster Workshop (4th : April 7-10, 2003 : Department of Environmental Medicine, Gothenburg, Sweden), 2003
Hypersensitivity pneumonitis in peat moss processing plant workers
Source : American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, vol. 158, no 2, 1998, p. 412-417
Sensitization to airborne moulds in peat moss factory workers. Health Research in Rural and Remote Canada : Meeting Challenges, Creating Opportunities
Pageau P., Cormier Y., Mériaux A., Assayag E., Duchaine C.
Source : in Health Research in Rural and Remote Canada : 3rd National Conference (3rd : October 24-26 2002 : Halifax, Nova Scotia), 2002
Microflora of air and peat in peat moss processing plants in Eastern Canada. Health Research in Rural and Remote Canada : Meeting Challenges, Creating Opportunities
Source : in Health Research in Rural and Remote Canada : 3rd National Conference (3rd : October 24-26, 2002 : Halifax, Nova Scotia), 2002
Sensitization to airborne moulds in peat moss factory workers
Source : American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, vol. 165, no 8, p. A461
Source : American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, vol. 165, no 8, p. A522
Sensibilisation aux moisissures chez les travailleurs des tourbières
Source : 6e Congrès de pneumologie de langue française (6e : 26-29 janvier 2002 : Nice-Acropolis, France), 2002
Évaluation d'échantillonneurs de poussières en milieu de travail : le cas des tourbières
Goyer N., Cloutier Y.
Source : in Colloque international : Poussières, fumées et brouillards sur les lieux de travail: risques et prévention (11-13 juin 2001 : Toulouse, France), 2001
Bioaerosols in peat moss processing plants
Mériaux A., Pageau P., Cormier Y., Goyer N., Duchaine C.
Source : Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, vol. 3, no 8, 2006, p. 408-417
Sensitization to airborne molds and its health effects in peat moss processing plant workers
Mériaux A., Cormier Y., Pageau P., Israël-Assayag E., Duchaine C.
Source : Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, vol. 3, no 8, 2006, p. 442-447
Biological activities of respirable dust from Eastern Canadian peat moss factories
Létourneau V., Mériaux A., Goyer N., Chakir J., Cormier Y., Duchaine C.
Source : Toxicology in Vitro, vol. 24, no 4, 2010, p. 1273-1278