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Conducts occupational health and safety prevention activities in the health and social services sector. Organizes its services into four major categories: information, training, technical assistance, and research and development. Concentrates is research in the following areas:
Contains an information kit for new occupational health and safety professionals. Describes certain programs and services related to ergonomics, mental health and workplace violence. Describes the Mérite APSSAP, an innovation competition whose aim is to highlight the initiatives of committees and to publicize the projects that could be transferred to other institutions. Offers training sessions for health and safety professionals as well as for workers and employers to promote a safer working climate. List the subjects of documents available in the video library:
Offers training to construction industry contractors and workers so that they apply preventive measures to eliminate risks and make their operations safer. Presents the training modules, which include the following:
L’ASFETM a pour mandat la prévention des accidents et des maladies du travail dans ces deux secteurs d’activités. Pour ce faire, elle offre des services de formation, information, recherche et documentation et conseil et assistance technique aux établissements qu’elle dessert, en privilégiant l’élimination à la source des dangers pour la santé, la sécurité et l’intégrité physique des travailleurs, ce qui est l’objet même de la loi.
Lists the societies and associations that make up ASOSH and describes the latter’s mission, mainly that of influencing national safety and health policies and legislation as well as promoting the exchange of technical information among the stakeholders. Contains several links leading to safety, health and environment Web sites in South Africa and worldwide. Suggests a choice of resources to consult on the following aspects:
Par le biais de ses produits et services, l’APSM vise à assurer la progression du savoir faire de la main-d’œuvre et des gestionnaires en matière de santé et sécurité. Elle propose une offre de services diversifiée et met à la disposition des travailleurs et des employeurs des produits de qualité, adaptés aux besoins et aux particularités de chaque usager.
Assists workers and employers in the automobile industry in eliminating the risks of accidents and occupational diseases in their work environment by offering mainly technical assistance and training services. Mentions several tips and some advice for working safely in the principal automotive trades (body work, service stations, parts and storage, automobile mechanics, heavy vehicle mechanics). Provides visitors with checklists on working conditions and technical data sheets that cover a specific activity sector.
Via Prévention a pour objet de fournir aux employeurs et aux travailleurs appartenant aux secteurs d’activité du transport, de l’entreposage et de l’environnement, des services de formation, d’information, de conseil, de recherche en santé sécurité du travail et en sécurité routière.
Offers a range of training services, remote prevention, responses to individual requests and documentation to all the companies that contribute to its financing. Shares the prevention ideas produced in different organizations in the printing sector to demonstrate that this can be done without being costly or complicated. Brings together preprinting, printing, binding and finishing companies.
Presents the mandate of sector-based associations, which consists of supplying employers and workers in the activity sectors that they represent with training, information, consulting and assistance services. Situates ASP in a legal context by addressing the procedures relating to the board of directors, grants, functions to be fulfilled, the right of intervention, contribution, etc. Provides links to the main ASP in Québec: