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Its mandate is to protect the public, the profession and ergonomics professionals by determining competency standards and by defending the value of certification. Develops the code of ethics and provides the information necessary for obtaining proven certification. Describes some means used to reach the largest number of professionals, particularly annual meetings and the publication of some press releases.
Provides a few examples of environments where ergonomics gives added value in relation to society’s evolution:
Also mentions some developments to be considered with respect to these environments, such as mechanization, human-computer interaction, insufficient exercise, etc.
Explains the criteria to be followed to obtain certification for the level considered (registered or facilitator) and encourages professionals in different fields to become members of the association: industry, agriculture, commerce, occupational health and safety, etc. Describes the content of the Ergonomics SA journal, which addresses the working conditions in South Africa and is distributed to members.
Defines the studies necessary to become an ergonomist, the continuing professional development available, as well as the basic training offered to certain professionals, as for example, osteopaths. Lists the procedures for becoming a member, its advantages, and the code of professional conduct to be followed.
Its goal is to bring together European researchers working in the development of cognitive ergonomics in order to develop a relationship between the cognitive sciences and technical information processing systems. Details the criteria for joining the Association’s three categories of membership. Provides press reviews related closely or remotely to this field. (Site access reserved in large part to the Association’s members.)
Devotes itself to the quantitative analysis of gait and other human movement, with particular emphasis on analyses with clinical applications. Describes the organization’s annual meeting and gives a summary of those that have already been held. Mentions the activities of the various committees (accreditation, awards, communications, education, membership, etc.)
Provides information on the annual meeting organized by the organization every year and the references for the conferences that were held in previous years. Devotes one section to more than 50 examples of bad ergonomics that occur in daily life. Offers services to members, mainly for job searches.
Lists the fields of research of the main technical groups:
Provides a list of the publications related to this field, devotes one section to students who want to orient their studies towards human factors, and provides the necessary information about the annual meeting.
Pursues the following objectives: encourages professional development, increases and improves memberships services, promotes the profession, represents the interests of its members to government and peak bodies, stimulates research and the application of ergonomics, etc. Presents the basics of ergonomics, details the list of certified members as well as the code of practice to which they must adhere.
Defines ergonomics, its structure focused on the individual, and its benefits. Indicates the society’s objectives, which consist of promoting the use of knowledge about ergonomics, of advancing research and education, as well as raising public awareness. Defines the criteria to be met to obtain certification, and presents a code of ethics inspired by that of the International Ergonomics Association.
Details the activities established in all the provinces and provides regional information on each. Has a database including the directory of available consultants and provides necessary information for personal or corporate membership in the Association. Promotes professional certification in ergonomics and provides the code of ethics.
Presents all the education programs offered in ergonomics worldwide. Provides a list of all the Association’s federated, affiliated and sustaining societies internationally. Offers an overview of the technical committees and the fields of research that they explore:
Proposes a selection of software for analyzing movement, simulation, numerical analysis and signal processing. Lists the sources of funding and the criteria for biomechanics students who want to obtain a scholarship. Presents the curricula vitae of the researchers as well as their main fields of interest, which include:
This website offers the most recent knowledge and relevant information on the risks associated with manual handling and on how to prevent musculoskeletal disorders.
Avalaible in french only
Promotes collaboration between member associations and individuals who work in ergonomics or are interested in it. Describes the society’s credibility and its role as international representative of the Nordic countries among the other professionals in the milieu. (More detail on the Norwegian part of the site.)
Contains information taken from scientific research published on the following subjects: low back pain, eyestrain, common hand and arm problems, the pros and cons of some ergonomic products, and the effectiveness of an organization in managing ergonomics. Also mentions a few preconceived ideas to avoid, and attempts to correct misinformation. Demystifies the numerous options related to ergonomic chairs and describes a few alternative solutions to the traditional keyboard. Proposes a list of tips to correct some daily discomforts.
Describes the training programs offered in ergonomics in the Francophonie (France, Belgium, Québec) and on each country’s characteristics. Describes all the activities supported by SELF, such as seminars, colloquia and working groups. Presents the charter of the conferences and a short history of the founding of the Society, which includes occupational physicians and working conditions engineers in its membership.