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A nonprofit association comprised of individuals, organizations and businesses with the shared mission of preventing injuries, illness and fatalities among those working in agriculture.
Lists the goals and objectives of the regional safety committees and presents some documentary resources available for the members. Gives an overview of the four qualification programs offered by the Association:
Is the oldest and largest organization of public health professionals in the world. Has 24 discipline-based sections, including:
Defines the Scientific and Professional Affairs Unit and its programs, which promote and facilitate evidence-based public health policy and standards and that encourage prevention initiatives. Explains the role of independent public health associations, which are managed by the states and that emphasize the local reality.
Presents a variety of training programs available regarding first responders, pathogens, emergency oxygen, pet first aid, disaster preparedness, etc. Lists the companies that supply automatic external defibrillators and proposes an insurance program for professionals who offer health-training services.
Interested in the risks caused by toxic materials and hazardous equipment used in the arts and theater. Provides artists with the following services:
Its members include non-profit organizations whose mission is to prevent occupational accidents and diseases in the Asia-Pacific region. Presents a small bibliography of periodicals and other published occupational health and safety documents. Presents a list of the associations that have joined APOSHO in different countries.
Indicates the lists of rights of patients who attend clinics, so that they clearly understand their state of health and avoid exposing themselves to harmful risks. Presents the criteria for the two categories: clinic members or individual members. Provides educational material in the form of PowerPoint presentations, videos, government publications, etc. Describes the mission of Pediatric Environmental Health Specialty Units and lists a few training opportunities offered to medical students in different US states.
Conducts occupational health and safety prevention activities in the health and social services sector. Organizes its services into four major categories: information, training, technical assistance, and research and development. Concentrates is research in the following areas:
Contains an information kit for new occupational health and safety professionals. Describes certain programs and services related to ergonomics, mental health and workplace violence. Describes the Mérite APSSAP, an innovation competition whose aim is to highlight the initiatives of committees and to publicize the projects that could be transferred to other institutions. Offers training sessions for health and safety professionals as well as for workers and employers to promote a safer working climate. List the subjects of documents available in the video library:
Offers training to construction industry contractors and workers so that they apply preventive measures to eliminate risks and make their operations safer. Presents the training modules, which include the following:
L’ASFETM a pour mandat la prévention des accidents et des maladies du travail dans ces deux secteurs d’activités. Pour ce faire, elle offre des services de formation, information, recherche et documentation et conseil et assistance technique aux établissements qu’elle dessert, en privilégiant l’élimination à la source des dangers pour la santé, la sécurité et l’intégrité physique des travailleurs, ce qui est l’objet même de la loi.
Lists the societies and associations that make up ASOSH and describes the latter’s mission, mainly that of influencing national safety and health policies and legislation as well as promoting the exchange of technical information among the stakeholders. Contains several links leading to safety, health and environment Web sites in South Africa and worldwide. Suggests a choice of resources to consult on the following aspects:
Par le biais de ses produits et services, l’APSM vise à assurer la progression du savoir faire de la main-d’œuvre et des gestionnaires en matière de santé et sécurité. Elle propose une offre de services diversifiée et met à la disposition des travailleurs et des employeurs des produits de qualité, adaptés aux besoins et aux particularités de chaque usager.
Assists workers and employers in the automobile industry in eliminating the risks of accidents and occupational diseases in their work environment by offering mainly technical assistance and training services. Mentions several tips and some advice for working safely in the principal automotive trades (body work, service stations, parts and storage, automobile mechanics, heavy vehicle mechanics). Provides visitors with checklists on working conditions and technical data sheets that cover a specific activity sector.
Offers a range of training services, remote prevention, responses to individual requests and documentation to all the companies that contribute to its financing. Shares the prevention ideas produced in different organizations in the printing sector to demonstrate that this can be done without being costly or complicated. Brings together preprinting, printing, binding and finishing companies.
Disseminates knowledge on occupational hygiene, health and safety by exchanging information and putting it in an easily understandable form. Explains the discussion forum’s operation and provides summaries for all the proceedings of conferences that have taken place since 1992. Describes the history of the foundation, which was set up mainly to finance the Association’s activities.
Provides a list of courses accredited or recommended by the SIA in Australia and explains the operation of the discussion forum. Details the services offered to members, whose expertise is evolving in various areas: occupational health and safety, industrial hygiene, education, engineering, etc. Recommends some software for improving safety in companies.
Defines the concept of safe behaviour, its psychological components and its direct impact on the workplace accident rate. Indicates the clichés that are incorrectly associated with this concept and the difficulties related to its implementation in companies, which must bring together all the necessary resources to be able to function. Contains a bibliography of scientific publications, conferences, theses, articles from periodicals and books on the subject.
Is interested in the scientific aspects of biosafety in activities involving the use of pathogenic or genetically modified organisms (for example, in the agrifood, pharmaceutical, medical, veterinary, environmental sectors, etc.) Explains the regulatory context surrounding biosafety in Belgium and the evaluation system used. Addresses the protection of workers exposed to biological agents in the workplace, the voluntary dissemination of genetically modified organisms (GMO) in the environment and their introduction on the European market. Also presents information on biosafety in Europe and in other countries.
Informs the public about pesticides and proposes alternatives to their use. Offers a few means of prevention to consider and solutions for a pesticide-related emergency. Offers on-line ordering of reports, brochures, reports and other types of documents. Mentions certain problems being studied, including the following:
Indicates the training programs available in all sectors of industry and commerce, from petrochemicals to company safety, and including construction. Offers audit and consulting services for noise management, environmental compliance, OHSAS 18001 compliance, etc. Presents a list of resources, particularly monthly publications addressing various aspects of safety, a manual on environmental compliance, an updated guide on health and safety management, posters, etc.
Defines some aspects of prevention, rights to compensation and rehabilitation, as well the steps to be followed to obtain financing. Includes a section answering workers’ main questions and another answering employers’ questions on the following subjects: the possible procedures in the event of workplace accidents, danger-free pregnancy, the right of refusal, etc. Provides information on the suppliers of health services and the agency’s partners.
Presents also the labour standards relating to wages, tips, duration of work, annual holidays, legal holidays, non-working days and paid working days, etc. Defines the laws and regulations in effect as well as the recourse in the event that monetary regulations are not respected, for forbidden practices, employer bankruptcy, and several other situations. Devotes one section to young workers and another to employers, and includes a special section on psychological harassment.
Includes several short information documents classified in different categories:
Mentions the training courses available and the Council’s activities, which mainly involve increasing public awareness.
Contains specialized information on crucial health issues and develops educational kits to help different target groups remain in good health and adopt healthy living habits (seniors, immigrants, parents, educators/teachers, indigenous peoples, etc.). Lists the resources for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and addresses the question of healthcare as well as the national health insurance plan. Specifies the prevention and monitoring programs that are currently in place for reducing the frequency of diseases and disorders.
Defines the occupational health and safety (OHS) management approach by which companies that are members of partner associations would take complete charge of prevention, occupational injuries and the financial aspect. Organizes colloquia, legal meetings, breakfasts and medical-administrative meetings throughout the year to address different subjects related to health and safety. Offers training activities to its members.
Concentrates its research in three sectors: buildings and various installations, transportation, and water. Specifies five types of member involvement in the Association’s activities. Proposes a list of publications classified by theme and presents the learning networks headed by CIRIA whose activities revolve around construction, marine sand and soil contamination.
Lists the courses that are available by the council and gives a short description of each, including the following:
Includes a small resource centre dealing with such things as power line hazards. Provides all the information relating to the annual construction safety conference.
Covers the legal areas of health and safety, including risk assessment, manual handling, accident reporting, etc. Contains a discussion forum, a section on fire safety, and another on jobs involving risks. Is interested in dangerous goods and the manufacturing industry. A password is needed to access all of the site’s sections.
Presents a small directory of the Council’s members to promote their goods and services. Indicates the training sessions offered for each method of transportation of goods (air, ground, water or a combination of them) in order to improve safety. Develops certain recommendations to help companies become aware of the terrorist threats to which they are exposed. Develops the list of comments made by the Council members regarding the regulations of the US Department of Transportation on the transportation of dangerous goods.
Promotes health, safety and productivity in workplaces in all 25 countries of the European Union. Focuses its research on fields such as workforce transfers, hazardous substances in the workplace, occupational accidents, etc. Identifies some good occupational health and safety practices and provides pertinent statistics. Proposes documentary files on different aspects related to the field:
Encourages workers to take out insurance to protect themselves against work-related accidents and diseases and coordinates the convergence of all the initiatives implemented in Europe in this regard. Develops a list of publications to be consulted and presents the FORUM News newsletter, published three times a year in four languages.
Contributes to the planning and establishment of better living and working conditions in Europe. Describes the European Monitoring Centre on Change (EMCC), whose mission is to present the economic and social forces resulting from changes and trends in technologies, work organization, company and production models, legislation, work practices and the evolving labour market. Mentions the current work and suggests different resources in professional relations, living conditions, and working conditions.
Looks after health and safety in nuclear installations and mines, factors, farms, hospitals and schools, offshore gas and oil installations, the gas grid and the movement of dangerous goods and substances, railways, etc. Responsible for the regulation of almost all the risks to occupational health and safety in Britain.
Defines the organization’s main mandates regarding representation, financial planning and outsourcing. Indicates the insurance products and services offered to customers and addresses the question of tax recovery. Provides a few resources to improve a company’s productivity. Lists the training topics available, including the following:
GP2S provides convincing data resulting from research conducted in Québec, all over Canada, the United States and everywhere in the world about the best corporate health practices and their impact.
Devotes one section to accidental spills of hazardous materials and another to risk management. Presents the recommendations formulated by the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) regarding the various types of transportation (airplane, train, road, intermodal) and presents an emergency measures guide intended for police officers, fire fighters and other workers who are the first responders on an accident site. Divides its activities into seven separate offices relating to hazardous materials:
Describes projects and achievements in several fields, including occupational health:
Provides a list of interesting public health events worldwide. Contains one section dealing with the current special files and another suggesting research-related sites.
Is interested in living conditions, working conditions and industrial relations. Answers the needs of companies by proposing solutions in the form of advice and assistance as well as by establishing a training path. Includes knowledge banks classified according to different themes:
Describes the main activities of the Commission’s scientific committees, which include the following:
Indicates how to reach the members of the board of directors, mentions some publications available, and contains the reports of general assemblies, work groups, scientific committees, etc.
This Network is the product of the ongoing co-operation of the International Occupational Safety and Health Information Centre (CIS) and its National and Collaborating Centres all over the world. The goal of this Network is to help its members and the rest of the world to find information from the participating countries on subjects related to occupational safety and health (OSH). Presents a list of references addressing the question of national and international legislation. Provides a wide variety of information in the form of collections of practical guidelines, guiding principles, manuals or practical training material in order to reduce occupational risks and dangers. Presents files discussing current subjects relating to the activities of a CIS centre or of another occupational health and safety institution, of a region, or of a country.
Recommends a selection of databases as well as certain services, such as a prevention glossary, legislative texts, an encyclopedia and a thesaurus on occupational health and safety, international chemical safety cards, etc. Lists by country all the centres that collaborate with the CIS. Presents a short overview of the activities relating to occupational health and safety elsewhere in the world.
Encourages international organizations working in radiation protection to cooperate, to pursue their research and to publish their results. Defines the Association’s rules and procedures for administrative formalities and for conference organization. Briefly describes the most recent conference and presents the next one. Sponsors and organizes training activities and refresher courses during conferences and makes available to affiliated organizations a group of experts to support the training efforts established by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
Its aim is to reduce the accident phenomenon, to insure workers who perform hazardous activities, and to ensure that workplace accident victims undergo professional and social life reinsertion. Defines the types of benefits offered by the institute and gives an overview of its prevention activities. Presents a few publications, including a benefits guide, women at work, and insurance against household accidents.
Conducts research on machinery and equipment safety standards, cost/benefit analysis of safety measures, and accident prevention in an industrial environment. Defines the Association’s tasks, which consist mainly of health and safety instruction, and promoting the Zero-accident Everyone participation Campaign. Also encourages the creation of comfortable workplaces and offers support to small and medium sized companies.
Offers insurance plans adapted to the needs of small, medium and large companies by addressing such concepts as insurance policies and premiums, liability, claims management, group insurance, insurance on real estate capital, employee compensation, etc.
Claims that the most economical and effective way of preserving the environment and of ensuring worker safety is to offer training to workers so that they can develop related competencies. Presents several professional certification programs, namely the Certified Environmental, Safety & Health Trainer and the Certified Instructional Technologist. Provides a list of environmental teaching institutions and proposes a few workshops for adults in the labour market.
Presents general information on pesticides and their relationship to safety, food, the environment, animals, etc. Contains information sheets on toxicology, different types of databases and statistics. Presents current regulations, lists a few solutions for controlling the presence of insects, and sources to be contacted in emergencies.
Provides certification of auditors of quality management systems in Canada and describes the benefits of ISO 9000 certification. Posts the tools and services available to help companies in their pursuit of excellence. Describes the Canada Awards for Excellence, which highlight the achievements of Canadian organizations since 1983. Lists the advantages of being an NQI member and the services offered to members.
Presents a list of resources classified by subject (for example, driving, ergonomics, falls, lead, farms, etc.) Details the products offered by the organization and the training services available. Indicates how to reach the eleven departments in which the task forces work, and summarizes each one’s field of activity:
Encourages managers to take charge of damage control be complying with safe administration principles. Lists the online training sessions offered, and explains how they are different from those given elsewhere:
The NBFSA is a not for profit safety association aimed at eliminating workplace accidents in the forest industry through education and training.
NYCOSH, the New York Committee for Occupational Safety and Health, is a non-profit coalition of 200 local unions and more than 400 individual workers, physicians, lawyers and other health and safety activists - all dedicated to the right of every worker to a safe and healthful job. Part of a nation-wide network of 25 union-based safety and health organizations, NYCOSH fights job hazards where the fight is needed most: on the shop floor.
Promotes the health of workers and their working conditions by training researchers and professionals in occupational health and safety. Indicates the schedule for the courses planned for the year and the cooperative activities carried out with other Nordic national institutes. Presents the members of the board of directors and the organization’s annual report.
OiRA is a European online platform to create free and easy-to-use sectoral risk assessment tools for small and micro-companies.
Provides technical assistance in different areas, namely for occupational accidents, electricity, explosives, fires, regulations, etc. Contains regulatory documents and other practical information for safety and health protection coordinators. Describes six investigations that were carried out on the following subjects:
Suggests a list of links to more than 12000 Internet resources related to health and disease prevention. Devotes sections to different target groups, such as children, youth, seniors, Aboriginal peoples, women and men. Several search methods can be explored for obtaining resources on the following subjects:
Addresses subjects such as infectious diseases, chemicals and poisons, radiation, emergency responses, etc. Defines the organization’s mandates, proposes a few publications for consultation, and provides examples of current research and development. Brings together professionals working in different specialties:
Details the list of consulting services, publications and training sessions available for making work environments safe. Devotes one section to fire fighters, including advice for complying with the safety standards established in Ontario. Explains the operation of reports on injuries that lead to lost time, a program whose purpose is to allow municipalities to compare the injury rate in one department to that in another city.
Solves problems related to radiation in workplaces, in the environment, at school and at home, by giving consultations to concerned clients and by developing a range of technical services:
Presents examples of means of prevention in occupational health implemented by Québec companies. Contains achievements collected by the Diffusion des réalisations en matière de santé au travail project. Develops the research in relation to the workplace, the institution’s characteristics, the territory, etc.
Is involved in promoting safety in several areas of daily life: work, at home, on the road, during leisure, and on or near water. Presents factsheets containing facts and advice for students and the general population. Explains the scholarship program for companies in Great Britain and Scotland that have demonstrated excellent health and safety management. Provides some information for small companies.
Safety Services Canada is Canada’s not-for-profit safety service provider, offering seamless, nation-wide training and education that reduces injuries, manages risk and improves the overall health and wellness of workers and workplace environments.
Supplies a bibliographic database shared by a group of Québec public health documentation centres. Indexes several types of documents: annual reports, programs, reports, investigations, proceedings of colloquia and conferences, etc. Covers numerous subjects including the following:
Promotes the exchange of information on birth defects including their type, cause and the means to prevent them. Indicates the criteria for becoming a member of the Society and presents a code of ethics to be followed. Devotes one section to students proposing some educational institutions that offer a program in teratology, possible sources of funding, a short history of this discipline, as well as professional associations to join.
Its aim is to stimulate research and education in occupational medicine. Lists the Society’s interest groups, which operate mainly in the metal, railroad and food industries. Answers a few questions on the possibilities of careers in occupational medicine and presents a glossary of acronyms and abbreviations in this field. Suggests tools to help evaluate the practices of occupational physicians and explains the services offered to employers.
Promotes technical, social and educational initiatives undertaken to eliminate the hazards associated with a product, service or activity, for all the steps in its design. Mentions all the data relating to the regional chapters and describes previous, current and upcoming conferences. Describes the advantages of membership in the Society, including participation in numerous standing committees and the possibility of professional development.
Seeks and develops innovative approaches so that employees can work in a productive and healthy way. Exists to serve employees, technology, institutions and knowledge. Devotes its projects to the following fields:
Defends employees who are under a lot of pressure and who must work for long hours. Is interested in the phenomenon of the pension fund crisis and the rights of workers whose status is contractual or temporary. Addresses the question of balance between the requirements of employers and those of workers. Develops an information file (press releases, links, articles, etc.) for each of the subjects addressed on the site:
Investigates chemical accidents in order to determine their causes, and develops safety recommendations for government offices, unions, commercial associations and other types of organizations in order to reduce risks. Lists the accidents currently being investigated or have been investigated and gives a brief description of each. Provides a list of recommendations that were made to different organizations.
Is interested in what reduces air quality in homes, namely pollution sources (combustion sources, some deteriorated building materials and furnishings as well as household cleaning and maintenance products) and poor ventilation. Devotes specific sections to molds, asthma, secondhand smoke, and radon gas. One section is on large area buildings and another on children.
Answers a few questions about pesticides, such as their definition, the products that contain them, their related hazards, the different types that exist, etc. Describes the effects of pesticides on the environment and provides resources for eliminating plant-borne insect problems effectively and correctly. Explains the legislation activities undertaken by the agency to control the use of pesticides and the application of the regulations.
Has more than 650 members working in different industries in Australia, including the mining sector, processing, petroleum and gasoline, government, defense as well as other corporate services. Offers a general training service or one adapted to a specific work environment and resources that can be ordered (books, brochures, labels, etc.) on different subjects:
WSN was formed in 2010 by the amalgamation of three safety associations:Mines and Aggregates Safety and Health Association (MASHA); Ontario Forestry Safe Workplace Association (OFSWA) and Pulp and Paper Health and Safety Association (PPHSA).Is interested in promoting health and safety in the pulp and paper industry and develops several services to achieve this: training, consulting, ergonomics, industrial hygiene and presentations. Includes an information section for young workers, on legislation, as well as anecdotes describing accidents or situations in which safety measures were beneficial. Offers a selection of products and describes upcoming conferences.
Offers training and technical assistance in health and safety; checks that regulations, laws and policies are followed; and publishes a twice-yearly newsletter on the current subjects in this field. Participates in the development of regulations in California and mentions the assemblies, conferences and other events that the organization participates in. Proposes training documentation on different subjects, such as workers’ OSH rights, overview of the legal system, and the specific OSH hazards by type of worker.
Indicates the laws to be complied with in occupational health and safety as well as the regulations and codes of ethics in force. Offers basic information on different workplaces:
Also provides information on several types of risks, for example hazardous goods, noise and vibration, work-related diseases, falls, etc. Offers pedagogical resources for all levels of study and details the training sessions offered to companies.
Fulfills two main roles: evaluating the health and environmental risk of chemicals in order to make better use of them and increase the national chemical safety potential. Presents the organization’s main activity sectors:
Provides a detailed list of links classified by health or development topic and another for WHO member countries. Mentions the Organization’s publications and presents a link to its catalogue. Presents WHO’s history, its structure, its points of contact and its mission. Contains a few current articles on epidemic outbreaks, tobacco, HIV/AIDS, etc.