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Includes one section on how to register for the employer and entrepreneur insurance plan as well as possible exemptions. Presents the necessary forms for claims following an injury, as well as other tools, including the incentive program for employers promoting a return to work of workers undergoing rehabilitation. Encourages health service providers and offers several occupational safety resources. Details the involvement of several committees whose mandate is to ensure health and safety in their respective fields (care for aged people, horticulture, meat processing, plastic and rubber manufacture, etc.)
Describes a variety of studies carried out in health and safety in the following work sectors:
Makes the task of employees easier by recommending what should be done in the event of an occupational injury, by allowing them to follow online the status of their claim, by addressing a few aspects of a return to work, etc. Describes the insurance coverage for small companies and the related premiums.
Defines the inspection services, whose task is to evaluate the efficiency of employers’ health and safety programs. Includes subdivisions on mine safety, occupational health and safety, and on the mechanical and engineering division. Describes the agriculture program, whose objective to make Manitoba’s farms a safer place to live and work. Presents the Advisory Council on Workplace Safety and Health.
Details the services offered online to accelerate the administrative process, namely accident reports and clearances. Devotes one section to workers that indicates how to fill out a claim, the benefits that they can receive, and the services offered (for example, vocational rehabilitation). Also provides resources to employers on registering and classification of their businesses, the evaluation criteria based on the category to which they belong, the choice of an optional special coverage, etc.
Administers no-fault insurance against workplace accidents and disability, and well-designed health, safety and accident prevention initiatives for employers and their employees. Devotes one section to workers (relating to rights, responsibilities, protection, occupational accidents, claim process, etc.) and another to employers (premiums, responsibilities, accident reports, etc.)
Collaborates with the groups from different work environments to prevent accidents, manage work-related diseases or injuries and promote the return of employees on sick leave. Explains the recourse of an injured worker whose employer is protected by the Workplace Health, Safety and Compensation Act, whose insurance principle is no-fault.
Groups information into three main categories:
Advises young people from 15 to 24 years of age on their rights and responsibilities to avoid workplace injuries. Describes the organization’s prevention role, which mainly takes the form of a training service, and indicates the benefits and services that workers or employers covered by the insurance are entitled to. Offers a short guide on the procedures for appealing a decision, and devotes one section to legislation and regulations, with one part relating to fire fighters.
Bases its mission on improving health, safety and equity and relations in workplaces and in the community in general. Applies employment standards by settling complaints, by providing information to employees and employers, and by carrying out investigations on presumed violations of the 2000 Labour Standards Act. Presents the Occupational Health and Safety Act and a guide that explains what the people involved must know on this subject. Provides assistance regarding the settling of collective agreements and the gathering of information about collective agreements.
Wants to eliminate all occupational diseases and injuries in Ontario by promoting the creation of healthy and safe workplaces and by offering a viable and complete insurance and support plan to injured workers and employers. Includes one section intended for health professionals and resources to help maintain a safe workplace. Answers the main questions of workers and employees regarding insurance against occupational accidents.
Develops prevention activities such as workplace inspections in compliance with current laws and regulations, investigations following accidents or complaints, as well as education programs (workshops, annual conferences and training sessions adapted to each work environment). Explains the compensation offered to employees for occupational accidents, which is based on the principle of no-fault insurance. Disseminates the preliminary policy in order to obtain the public’s contribution to its development.
Defines some aspects of prevention, rights to compensation and rehabilitation, as well the steps to be followed to obtain financing. Includes a section answering workers’ main questions and another answering employers’ questions on the following subjects: the possible procedures in the event of workplace accidents, danger-free pregnancy, the right of refusal, etc. Provides information on the suppliers of health services and the agency’s partners.
Presents also the labour standards relating to wages, tips, duration of work, annual holidays, legal holidays, non-working days and paid working days, etc. Defines the laws and regulations in effect as well as the recourse in the event that monetary regulations are not respected, for forbidden practices, employer bankruptcy, and several other situations. Devotes one section to young workers and another to employers, and includes a special section on psychological harassment.
Plays the role of administrative tribunal of last resort for workers and employers go who are contesting a decision of the Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail. Presents a section that explains the steps to be taken to contest a decision as well as a section on conciliation and its advantages. Gives an overview of the laws and regulations governing the Commission’s decisions.
accidents, hazards, concern or harassment were noted. Offers training and advice in this area and provides laboratory expertise for the analysis of chemical, biological or radiological risks. Includes various information sections on the following subjects:
Provides no-fault insurance and protects both employers and workers against injuries that could occur in the workplace. Offers a variety of services and prevention programs. Presents the site’s information in three main sections:
Provides financial and statistical data from boards to describe the state of the entire compensation plan for workers in Canada and to establish comparisons between the provinces and territories. Presents the National Work Injuries Statistics Program. Adopts a statement of common needs that emphasizes the most urgent problems that the different workers’ compensation boards in the country must face:
Defines the bureau’s mission, which consists of investigating, communicating and reducing health risks to Canadians from exposure to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Offers documents of a general interest on radiation protection dealing with occupational exposure to radiation, cosmic radiation and depleted uranium. Lists the main responsibilities of Health Canada regarding radiation protection.
Is interested in numerous subjects including social protection, which makes it possible to provide for the needs of the population in health, income and other services. Provides family support in parental leave, adoption and financial assistance. Promotes social assistance and establishes health policies. Also defines social insurance, safety at work, and gender equality.
Its mission is based on protecting the population, goods and environment against risks, and on promoting reliable and safe technology. Offers support to professionals and consumers and participates in the development of national and international legislation. Operates in the following activity sectors:
Looks after health and safety in nuclear installations and mines, factors, farms, hospitals and schools, offshore gas and oil installations, the gas grid and the movement of dangerous goods and substances, railways, etc. Responsible for the regulation of almost all the risks to occupational health and safety in Britain.
Presents the bibliography of the main documents published HSL since 1995. Describes the importance of proficiency tests in the accuracy of the laboratory results obtained. Mentions the institution’s main fields of expertise:
Defines the initiatives taken by the organization in its 10-year plan as well as the consulting services available. Provides research reports on the health and safety of workers in pesticide industries in India. Presents the schedule of the training programs during the year.
Mentions the current research subjects, namely evidence based medicine, evaluating and reforming medical fee schedules, firefighters’ presumptions of injury, cross border coverage and claims, medicare and workers’ compensation, bankruptcy of self insured employers, etc. Proposes evaluating light injuries and permanent injuries more precisely in order to better comply with the compensation system.
Promotes the occupational health and safety standards to be followed, inspects workplaces and ensures that they comply with the law and investigates accidents and the causes of various diseases. Also offers research funding, publishes notes of recommendations, and offers an information service. Develops new laws and standards. Is interested in the field of chemistry, construction and manual work and stress.
Addresses the different international cooperation projects conducted by the institute and lists the services offered to industries, for example the initiation of surveys, health and safety promotion, a mobile training service intended for contractors on sites, etc. Defines the organization’s main departments:
Its aim is to reduce the accident phenomenon, to insure workers who perform hazardous activities, and to ensure that workplace accident victims undergo professional and social life reinsertion. Defines the types of benefits offered by the institute and gives an overview of its prevention activities. Presents a few publications, including a benefits guide, women at work, and insurance against household accidents.
Explains the Institute’s motto regarding occupational health and safety, which is aimed primarily at managers and team leaders. Presents various products available for companies, mainly posters, videos, signage, safety equipment, etc. Devotes specific sections to ergonomics, occupational health, safety and hygiene, as well as another to small and medium sized companies.
Describes the objectives of the Hazardous Substances and New Organisms (HSNO) Act 1996 and the Health and Safety in Employment (HSE) Act 1992. Lists the services offered to companies: health and safety assistance, workplace visits, notifications, investigations, enforcement, engineering safety, and accident insurance regulation. Offers a detailed list of publications classified by subject and devotes one section to children.
Offers summaries of all the research carried out since 1988. Gives an overview of the programs implemented by the organization, mainly to promote health in the workplace and for the risks related to AIDS as well as to defend women and children who represent vulnerable employees in some sectors. Devotes one section to the laws and policies referring, for example, to tuberculosis control, drug abuse, risks for children, and women’s health and safety.
List the notifiable occupational diseases that must be reported to the Chief Inspector of Factories. Mentions the laws that employers must comply with, mainly regarding noise, first aid and exposure to chemical substances. Describes the incentive projects implemented and awards offered to companies in recognition of their efforts in minimizing health hazards. Provides some publications, including some guidelines for improving some important employee health aspects.
Plays a significant role in the reduction of unemployment, poverty and inequality by developing policies and programs in partnership with other organizations that share the same objectives:
Promotes transportation safety by conducting investigations on transport events that have occurred in the marine, pipeline, rail and air modes of transportation. Describes the investigation process and the SECURITAS program, whose role is to allow the population to report incidents or situations that present risks related to the transportation network in Canada. Presents the travel and hospitality expenses of senior level employees.
Takes a position of leadership in the provision of services to employers and injured workers as well as in the reformation and improvement of workers’ compensation. Describes the types of state funds and their role in employee compensation, their history and the advantages that they provide over private insurance.
Provides resources and assistance in the application and understanding of laws, regulations and policies. Defines the alliance program with other organizations whose mandate is also to promote worker health and safety in mines. Describes the training offered at the National Mine Health and Safety Academy for future mine investigators and offers resources on this subject. Provides technical assistance regarding the approval of products used in mines and various aspects such as ventilation, electricity, dust, emergency measures, etc.
Posts the internal regulations that the Commission must follow to render its judgements relating to disagreements between the Department of Labor and employers. Provides access to all the official judgements established over the last few years regarding contests of citations in the United States. Presents some of the Department’s administrative documents such as strategic plans, performance reports and budgets.
Contains resources and information on different aspects of occupational health and safety, mainly the communication of dangers, construction, the degree of preparation for emergencies, ergonomics and the maritime industry. Details many of the laws and regulations that standardize the health and safety situation of employees. Presents the cooperative programs that the organization participates in and includes one section on data and statistics.
Attempts to improve the working conditions of California employees and to create favorable job opportunities for them. Is interested in worker compensation, occupational health and safety, labor legislation and apprenticeship. Also includes a mediation and conciliation component as well as another on statistics and research.
Investigates chemical accidents in order to determine their causes, and develops safety recommendations for government offices, unions, commercial associations and other types of organizations in order to reduce risks. Lists the accidents currently being investigated or have been investigated and gives a brief description of each. Provides a list of recommendations that were made to different organizations.
Serves the public by using the best science, taking responsive public health actions, and providing trusted health information to prevent harmful exposures and disease related to toxic substances. Includes an information section on hazardous substances and another with some resources to be used in emergencies. Mainly includes sections reserved for children and their parents, health professionals and American Indian tribes.
Contains a database that includes situations referring to certain problems and the lessons learned from their analysis. Is also interested in the following aspects:
Is interested in what reduces air quality in homes, namely pollution sources (combustion sources, some deteriorated building materials and furnishings as well as household cleaning and maintenance products) and poor ventilation. Devotes specific sections to molds, asthma, secondhand smoke, and radon gas. One section is on large area buildings and another on children.
Answers a few questions about pesticides, such as their definition, the products that contain them, their related hazards, the different types that exist, etc. Describes the effects of pesticides on the environment and provides resources for eliminating plant-borne insect problems effectively and correctly. Explains the legislation activities undertaken by the agency to control the use of pesticides and the application of the regulations.