IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Description of Strategies Promoting the Adoption of Preventive Behaviours by Workers Who Have Had an Occupational Injury: A Critical Literature Review


Some workers who have had an occupational injury find it difficult to return to work in the long term after an absence, even if they have received rehabilitation services. In fact, according to the CNESST’s statistics, approximately 14% of workers experience a relapse, recurrence or aggravation of their health condition, which constitutes an obstacle to healthy, sustainable job retention.

Rehabilitation specialists have a role to play in promoting such healthy, sustainable job retention, in particular by supporting the development of preventive behaviours among workers. Various authors suggest that rehabilitation interventions for this purpose are often provided intuitively and are highly variable according to workplace. Publications suggest some concrete strategies that can be adopted; however, the information is dispersed among numerous sources in different fields of knowledge, which makes it difficult for clinicians to access.

Thus, this study aims to identify strategies to be used by rehabilitation specialists to foster the adoption of sustainable preventive behaviours by workers who have had an occupational injury.

This study will make it possible to identify different strategies that rehabilitation specialists can use to promote the development of each of six preventive behaviours at work. These strategies can be validated with rehabilitation specialists before they are integrated into existing rehabilitation interventions.