Workplace Accommodation to the Effects of Climate Change Abstract The dangers related to climate change (CC) represent a potential threat to occupational health and safety (OHS) and now constitute an international research priority. OHS risks may be directly (heatstroke, infectious diseases, mortality and morbidity resulting from floods, storms, increased exposure to ultraviolet radiation, etc.) or indirectly (mortality and morbidity resulting from degradation of built environments, new dangers, exposure due to jobs created to combat CC, etc.) related to CC. This study is intended to assess, suggest and develop workplace accommodations to enable workers’ health to be protected despite the expected effects of CC. The team of researchers has adopted the mandate of identifying the top-priority dangers related to CC, listing the highest-risk jobs, and presenting the accommodations implemented at the provincial, national and international levels. The researchers also intend to suggest new accommodations for the highest-risk jobs that are not yet covered by such measures. Three other projects funded by the IRSST have considered issues associated with CC: Impact of climate change on occupational health and safety, Green jobs in Quebec: Definition and assessment of potential chemical and biological risks to workers’ health and Thermal stress and chemical substances – Knowledge review and highest-risk occupations in Quebec. Produced Under this Project Scientific Reports Adaptation des milieux de travail aux effets des changements climatiques : tome 1 - Identification des travailleurs du Québec les plus à risque vis-à-vis des dangers prioritaires liés aux changements climatiques Research Report: R-1169-frAdaptation des milieux de travail aux effets des changements climatiques : Tome 2 – Mesures d’adaptation destinées aux travailleurs du Québec les plus à risque vis-à-vis de la hausse des épisodes de fortes chaleurs liée aux changements climatiques Research Report: R-1170-fr Scientific Publications Les effets des changements climatiques sur la santé et sécurité des travailleurs : stratégie de transfert de connaissancesMarie-Hélène PoirierSource : Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC. Tiré de Other Project(s) You May be Interested in Impacts of climate change on occupational health and safetyThe challenges of green jobs in Quebec’s photovoltaic industry: sustainable development opportunities and emerging health and safety risks for workers Green jobs in Québec: definition of the sector and jobs, and assessment of the potential chemical and biological risks to worker health Additional Information Type: Project Number: 2018-0023 Status: Completed Year of completion: 2022 Research Field: Chemical and Biological Hazard Prevention Team: Joseph Zayed (Université de Montréal)Ariane Adam-Poupart (Institut national de santé publique du Québec)