IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Development of an Integrated Management Model for Preventing Occupational Injuries, Adapted to the Work-Oriented Training Path (WOTP) Digital Learning Environment


Adolescents with learning difficulties are more vulnerable in terms of occupational health and safety (OHS). In Québec, the Work-Oriented Training Path (WOTP) prepares these youth for the workforce by offering workplace internships. To help the internship supervisors, this project aims to develop an OHS management model adapted to the WOTP by harnessing the potential of digital technologies, which are increasingly common in the education network.
Two types of results are anticipated. The research team wants to develop an OHS management model in a digital learning environment that can be integrated into the WOTP. In this model, the actors in the triangular learning relationship (school, business, student) would be considered as users, which could generate knowledge useful in other OHS management contexts. A second component targets the production of knowledge related to the use of digital technologies in the field of OHS. The results will make it possible to report on the process (steps, evolution of the concept), provide a description of the technologies and give added value for prevention as it relates to OHS.