Study of the Applicability of Parametric Speakers to the Development of New Back-up Alarm Concepts Abstract The use of back-up alarms is mandatory on most heavy vehicles and remains a widely used means of alerting people working in their vicinity. Previous studies conducted by the IRSST have shown the limitations of the effectiveness of alarms used in the workplace to minimize risks to workers’ safety. Because of the noise level they generate, workers and people living nearby often regard back-up alarms as a nuisance. These annoyance and sound perception problems are amplified when workers work in semi-open or completely enclosed environments, such as warehouses, where sound bounces off walls, floors and ceilings, increasing the noise level and creating parasitic reflections that interfere with perception. There are no proven solutions to address all these problems. The aim of this project is to explore the use of parametric speaker technology for the design of a directional back-up alarm. The technology has existed for years for other applications, but has recently become more accessible through miniaturization and lower costs. This type of speaker produces a focused sound field that can be directed to and concentrated on specific directions or areas. Outside these areas, the sound produced is not at all or only slightly perceptible, which could be a solution to the problems of sound perception for workers and the environmental disturbances it causes. Produced Under this Project Scientific Reports Study of the Applicability of Parametric Speakers to the Development of New Backup Alarm Concepts Research Report: R-1117 Simplified Articles Alarme de reculLes haut-parleurs paramétriques au banc d’essai Volume 34, n0 2 Scientific Publications Acoustic characterization of tonal and broadband backup alarms in laboratory and field conditionsRobin O., Krpic T., Hugues Nélisse, Berry A.Source : (2020). Applied Acoustics, 163. doi: 10.1016/j.apacoust.2020.107228 Other Project(s) You May be Interested in Effect of Hearing Loss and Wearing Hearing Protectors on the Auditory Perception and Localization of Backup Alarms Additional Information Type: Project Number: 2017-0010 Status: Completed Year of completion: 2020 Research Field: Mechanical and Physical Risk Prevention Team: Alain Berry (Université de Sherbrooke)Hugues Nélisse (IRSST)Olivier Robin (Université de Sherbrooke)