Costs of Work-Related Road Accidents in Québec, 2000-2013 Abstract Work-related road accidents are the primary cause of work fatalities in Québec, as in Canada and the United States. CNESST data indicate that such accidents entail substantial benefit payment periods and high rates of permanent impairment. In other words, costs are high.The purpose of this project was to estimate the financial and human costs of work-related road accidents in Québec from 2000 to 2013, excluding associated material damage. The results will make it possible to identify the industries and types of road accidents that generate the highest costs, and to describe the consequences of such accidents in Québec. Produced Under this Project Scientific Reports The Cost of Work-related Road Accidents in Québec from 2001 to 2015 Research Report: R-1145-fr Simplified Articles Les coûts d’un drame humain Volume 35, n0 1 Additional Information Type: Project Number: 2016-0015 Status: Completed Year of completion: 2021 Research Field: Special Projects Team: Martin Lebeau (IRSST)Patrice Duguay (IRSST)