Building and maintaining a working alliance in occupational rehabilitation within an intercultural clinical context Abstract Language and cultural barriers, as well as lack of knowledge of the health care system and the role of professionals, can increase intervention time with immigrant workers who have sustained employment injuries. These barriers interfere with the creation of the relationship between the professional and the patient, commonly called the “working alliance” (WA). To date, little is known about the mechanisms and interactional dynamics that allow the working alliance to be built and maintained.Yet an in-depth knowledge of clinical realities is needed if we are to identify the conditions and process involved in building these alliances in multi-ethnic contexts, particularly when several professionals are called upon to collaborate in treating an injured worker. The aim of this project is to document the gradual building and maintenance of the WA between immigrant workers with compensated employment injuries and their treating professionals in a return-to-work context. The results of the project should make it possible, among other things, to refine existing tools in order to optimize intervention time and return-to-work potential, and to incorporate new material, such as an investigation grid and training content, into these tools. Produced Under this Project Scientific Publications L’alliance thérapeutique : quels enjeux en contextes de diversité interculturelle?Daniel Côté, Arsenault M.Source : (2019). Communication présentée à la Conférence-midi du CIUSSS du Centre-Ouest-de l’Ile de Montréal – Centre de réadaptation Lethbridge-Layton-Mackay, Montréal, QC. Tiré de’approche ethnographique : illustration dans un contexte de réadaptation au travailDaniel Côté, Jessica Dubé, Arsenault M.Source : Dans M. Corbière et N. Larivière, Méthodes qualitatives, quantitatives et mixtes dans la recherche en sciences humaines, sociales et de la santé, (2e éd., p. 97-126). Québec, QC: Presses de l'Université du Québec. Other Project(s) You May be Interested in The effect of disease, pain and healing representations on the occupational rehabilitation process of workers with musculoskeletal disordersREPAR-IRSST program: The effect of the professional’s representations on the work rehabilitation process of workers with MSDsStrategies favourable to the development and maintenance of occupational health measures in small companies in Montréal's urban centre hiring immigrant labourThe influence of cultural belonging on the return-to-work process: a criticalUnderstanding the process of rehabilitation and returning to work in the context of intercultural relationsImmigrant workers and OHS in Québec: State of knowledge based on published statistical studies and review of available data sources Additional Information Type: Project Number: 2014-0013 Status: Ongoing Research Field: Occupational Rehabilitation Team: Daniel Côté (IRSST)Sylvie Gravel (Université du Québec à Montréal )Bob White (Université de Montréal)Marc Corbière (Université du Québec à Montréal )Jessica Dubé (IRSST)