Risk factors and developmental paths associated with early labour force entry, at age 13, and OHS consequences for 15-year-old workers Abstract The 2010-2011 Québec Health Survey of High School Students (QHSHSS) reports that approximately two in five high school students (43%) held a job at the time the data was gathered. A non-negligible proportion of these young people, 14%, spent 16 hours or more per week working, a level that has been associated with health risks.To understand the factors leading to early entry into the labour market, the scientific literature stresses the importance of taking into account the sociodemographic and familial characteristics of youth, and the various aspects related to affective, behavioural and academic development, through trajectory analyses based on longitudinal data. The Québec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD), conducted by the Institut de la statistique du Québec, holds a wealth of data collected over a 15 year period, the analysis of which could help identify the factors leading to early labour force entry and the associated occupational health and safety impacts on 15-year-old workers.For this project, we aim to perform such an analysis in order to better understand the employment paths of youth in terms of injuries and other eventual work-related health problems.The results will make it possible to better target preventive activities for this age group. Produced Under this Project Scientific Reports Early Entry into the Labour Market at Age 13 and Repercussions on the OHS of Young People Holding Jobs at Age 15 Research Report: R-1059 Simplified Articles Ados au boulotQuelles sont les répercussions sur la SST? Volume 33, n0 3 Scientific Publications Premiers emplois et expérience de SST chez les adolescents québécoisMarc-Antoine Busque, Ledoux É. , Laberge L., Auclair J.Source : (2019). Communication présentée au 87e congrès de l'ACFAS : engager le dialogue savoirs - sociétés, Gatineau, QC.Entrée précoce sur le marché de l'emploi, intensité du travail et répercussions sur la santé et sécurité du travail (SST) : constats issus des analyses des données de l'ÉLDEQLaberge L., Ledoux É. , Marc-Antoine Busque, Auclair J.Source : (2021). Communication présentée à Autonomie, mieux-être et santé mentale dans les parcours des jeunes : 88e congrès de l'ACFAS, Sherbrooke, QC. Other Project(s) You May be Interested in Conditions for work performance and OHS: results of an interregional investigation on youth in high school and collegeEmployment trajectory of student workers and OHS: treatment and validation of the data from the E16 collection of the Québec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD 2013) Additional Information Type: Project Number: 2013-0053 Status: Completed Year of completion: 2019 Research Field: OSH and Sustainable Prevention Work Environment Team: Élise Ledoux (Université du Québec à Montréal )Luc Laberge (Cégep de Jonquière)Benoît Laplante (INRS-Urbanisation, culture et société)