IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

For improved end-of-life services and palliative care: adapting and implementing workplace support programs and evaluating their impact on nurses’ job satisfaction, sense of meaningfulness at work, and well-being (SATIN II)


The intensification of work and stress is associated with distress and job dissatisfaction in nurses. These psychosocial risk factors are particularly likely to cause employee absenteeism, retention and turnover problems. In palliative care and oncology, frequent contact with death and grief is an added source of stress. In previous works (0099-6050), the researchers documented sources of stress in nurses, other clinicians, palliative and oncological care managers and patients and their families. They described how providing both curative and palliative care gives rise to conflicting demands that can contribute to value conflicts and ethical distress. They also identified several avenues for developing support programs for these workers.

In the context of this study, the researchers, using a participatory approach with field practitioners and in collaboration with four hospital centres, will finalize the adaptation of support programs for implementation in line with the needs, resources and preferences of each workplace. Workplace readiness for the program will also be evaluated. The approach will allow for completion of four projects and raise participant awareness of how to structure workplace support programs. It will also support decision makers in their organizational choices and take account of the adaptability and learning context of relevant employees, increase their satisfaction and, thus, their retention rate.

This research will provide further insight into the relationship between stress, job satisfaction and meaningfulness at work and raise awareness of how to structure workplace support programs. Decision makers will be provided with a choice of service models and a better understanding of factors to consider before implementing programs in palliative care facilities.

Additional Information

Type: Project
Number: 2011-0034
Status: Completed
Year of completion: 2016
  • Lise Fillion (Université Laval)
  • Manon Truchon (Université Laval)
  • Lyse Langlois (Université Laval)
  • Jean-François Desbiens (Université Laval)
  • Céline Gélinas (Université McGill)
  • Mélanie Vachon (Université du Québec à Montréal )
  • Geneviève Roch (Université Laval)
  • Michèle Aubin (Université Laval)
  • Serge Dumont (Université Laval)
  • Pierre Gagnon (Université Laval)
  • Sébastien Simard (Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec)
  • Lise Tremblay (Institut universitaire de cardiologie et de pneumologie de Québec)