IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Prevention fact sheet for flat-roof guardrail anchor systems for roofers


The risk of a serious or fatal accident is approximately six times greater for roofers than for average workers. According to the Association des Maîtres couvreurs du Québec (AMCQ), prefabricated guardrails made from metal railing components installed on the edges of flat roofs at job sites had never been validated or tested to ensure they are safe and in compliance with the Safety Code for the construction industry.
A recent IRSST study allowed the three models of metal guardrails in widest use by roofers in Québec to be validated. The results show that they are safe and meet Québec regulatory requirements.
A prevention fact sheet for roofers and businesses that do this type of work will be produced by the ASP-Construction (the joint sector-based association of the construction industry) and the IRSST. The sheet will cover the three guardrails most frequently used in Quebec and designated by the industry as well as provide general information about the risks and obligations related to height work on flat roofs.

Additional Information

Type: Knowledge Transfer Activity
Number: 2011-0028
Status: Completed
Year of completion: 2013
  • François Ouellet (IRSST)
  • André Lan (IRSST)