Impacts of climate change on occupational health and safety Abstract Research on the potential effects of climate changes on worker health and safety is still in its infancy. OHS risks can be related to them directly (heat stroke, mortality and morbidity resulting from floods, storms, increased ultraviolet radiation, etc.) or indirectly (infectious diseases, air and water quality, etc.). They can also be associated with the new jobs created by combating or adapting to climate change. In fact, the combating of climate change is offering opportunities for new industries and new jobs in several sectors, such as those in construction, sustainable forestry, agriculture, transport, and recycling.The objective of this project is to explore the research avenues relating to the impact of climate changes on workers’ health and safety. More specifically, the project will involve the production of a general panorama of the links between climate changes and OHS, the structuring of a procedure promoting joint action and national and international reflection, the identification of priority issues, and the proposal of avenues of research. Produced Under this Project Scientific Reports Impacts of climate change on occupational health and safety Research Report: R-733, R-775 Video Reports and Conferences Impacts of climate change on occupational health and safety Conference: CF-070 Simplified Articles Changements climatiquesQuels sont les effets sur la SST ? Volume 25, n0 4Définition et étude des risques pour la SSTLa vraie teinte des emplois verts Volume 27, n0 4Énergie solaire photovoltaiqueNouvelle industrie, nouveaux risques ? Volume 27, n0 4 Scientific Publications Évaluation des impacts potentiels des changements climatiques sur la santé et la sécurité (SST) des travailleurs du QuébecAdam-Poupart A., Smargiassi A., France Labrèche, Duguay P., Marc-Antoine Busque, Zayed J.Source : in Curiosité diversité responsabilité : Congrès de l'Association francophone pour le savoir / ACFAS (79e : 9-13 mai, 2011 : Sherbrooke, Canada), 2011Impacts of climate change on occupational health and safety (Poster)Adam-Poupart A., France Labrèche, Smargiassi A., Duguay P., Marc-Antoine Busque, Gagné C., Zayed J.Source : in Congrès mondial sur la sécurité et la santé au travail, (19e : 11-15 septembre, 2011 : Istanbul, Turquie), 2011Impacts of climate change on occupational health and safety in Quebec, Canada (Poster)Adam-Poupart A., France Labrèche, Smargiassi A., Duguay P., Marc-Antoine Busque, Gagné C., Zayed J.Source : in Un regard vers l'avenir en santé publique : 7e Colloque annuel de l'Association des étudiantes et étudiants en santé publique de l'Université de Montréal / AÉÉSPUM, (7e : 21 février, 2012 : Montréal, Canada), UDM, 2012Climate change and occupational health and safety in a temperate climate: potential impacts and research priorities in Quebec, CanadaAdam-Poupart A., France Labrèche, Smargiassi A., Duguay P., Marc-Antoine Busque, Gagné C., Rintamaki H., Hjellstrom T., Zayed J.Source : Industrial Health, vol. 51, no 1, 2013, p. 68-78Climate change and workers' health and safety: research prioritizationAdam-Poupart A., Smargiassi A., France Labrèche, Duguay P., Marc-Antoine Busque, Zayed J.Source : in 30th International Congress on Occupational Health / ICOH (30th : March 18-23, 2012 : Cancun, Mexico), 2012Issues related to climate change impacts in the workplaceFrance Labrèche, Smargiassi A., Adam-Poupart A., Duguay P., Marc-Antoine Busque, Zayed J.Source : in Congress of the International Commission on Occupational Health / ICOH, (30th : March 18-23, 2012, Cancun, Mexico), 2012Climate change and occupational health and Safety in a temperate climate: potential impacts and research priorities in QuebecAdam-Poupart A., France Labrèche, Smargiassi A., Duguay P. , Marc-Antoine Busque, Gagné C. , Rintamaki H., Kjellstrom T., Zayed J. Source : GOHNET Newsletter, no 20, 2013, p. 16-17 Other Project(s) You May be Interested in Workplace Accommodation to the Effects of Climate Change Additional Information Type: Project Number: 2010-0004 Status: Completed Year of completion: 2012 Research Field: Special Projects Team: Joseph Zayed (Université de Montréal)Audrey Smargiassi (Université de Montréal)France Labrèche (IRSST)Patrice Duguay (IRSST)Marc-Antoine Busque (IRSST)