Follow-up on the testing of a new CSST approach for MSD prevention Abstract To contend with the plague of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), the CSST tested a new approach to prevention in 2004-2005. According to this approach, an inspector visits a company that has been targeted on the basis of compensated MSDs and evaluates the risk factors for jobs for which claims have been accepted. In the case where a risk exists, the company must correct the situation, and is free to use the professional and intervention approach that it chooses. Several inspectors have been trained in this approach and many preventive interventions have been initiated in companies. Follow-up on these interventions represented an unanticipated opportunity for ergonomists to enrich their knowledge about ergonomic intervention.The follow-up carried out on a sample of eight work situations strongly suggests that CSST inspectors’ preventive interventions have positive impacts in the companies. Various broad changes have been implemented, which generally reduce the risk factors while improving production. The study even suggests that the inspectors’ interventions have more general impacts on the company. In some cases, prevention was stimulated, and frequently, the way that MSDs are considered was changed. An improvement in relations between the different actors was observed in most cases.However, the authors stress the fact that these results must be carefully interpreted because the inspectors were chosen, the workplaces were proactive, and the tasks analyzed were mainly atypical, and therefore less complex to analyze than varied tasks. Follow-up on a larger sample would be needed to reach firmer conclusions. Produced Under this Project Scientific Reports Follow-up of eight MSD prevention interventions initiated by CSST inspectors - Exploratory study Research Report: R-610 Scientific Publications Follow-up of MSD prevention interventions initiated by work inspectors: process and impactsSt-Vincent M., Imbeau D., Denis D., Maud Gonella, Cole D.Source : in International Conference on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders / PREMUS (7th : August 29 - September 3, 2010 : Angers, France), 2010Follow-up of MSD prevention interventions in companiesSt-Vincent M., Imbeau D., Denis D., Maud Gonella, Cole D.Source : in International Conference on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders / PREMUS (7th : August 29 - September 3, 2010 : Angers, France), 2010L'inspection du travail au Québec: parfois un levier pour la prévention des TMSSt-Vincent M.Source : in Échanges et pratiques sur la prévention : 3e Congrès francophone sur les troubles musculosquelettiques, (3e : 24-28 mai, 2011 : Grenoble, France), 2011 Additional Information Type: Project Number: 0099-6000 Status: Completed Year of completion: 2009 Research Field: OSH and Sustainable Prevention Work Environment Team: Marie St-Vincent (IRSST)Denys Denis (IRSST)Daniel Imbeau (Polytechnique Montréal)Donald Cole (Institute for Work and Health)Maud Gonella (IRSST)