Analysis of the handling strategies of a population of garbage collectors Abstract Garbage collectors sometimes benefit from training programs targeting the prevention of handling-related back pain. However, because they seek efficiency and a regular work pace, they rarely use the methods taught, mainly because they do not correspond to the work reality. The authors used video material to analyze garbage collectors’ handling strategies, to evaluate to what extent they used efficient means and principles to carry out their tasks, and to check work contexts that do or do not promote the use of these principles. They identified a dominant handling profile; however, they also noted a significant variability in how things are done based on different factors (weight of garbage, condition of the road, position of the truck, etc). The authors believe that it would be preferable to base garbage collector training on the analysis of handling situations in order to find a solution that is suitable to these workers and that would protect them from the risks, while meeting production objectives. The handling strategies studied are described in the report, mainly by pictures taken from the videos. Produced Under this Project Scientific Reports Analysis of the handling strategies of Québec garbage collectors – Avenues of reflection for more appropriate handling training Research Report: R-527 Simplified Articles Observer le travail des éboueurs pour repenser les bases de la manutention Volume 21, n0 2 Scientific Publications Échec anticipé d’une approche de formation de type « gestes et postures » en manutention : le cas des éboueurs au QuébecDenis D., St-Vincent M., Maud GonellaSource : in Ergonomie des produits et des services : Actes du XXXXIIe congrès de la Société d'ergonomie de langue française / SELF (42e : 5-7 septembre, 2007 : Saint-Malo, France), Zouinar,M., Valléry, G., Le Port, M.-C. (éds), Octarès, 2007, p. 597-606, ( du travail des éboueurs au Québec dans une dynamique d'identification, de transmission et d'apprentissage de savoirs professionnelsDenis D.Source : in Le métier d’éboueur, un clair-obscur contemporain - Le travail du déchet dans l’espace public : Colloque international et interdisciplinaire (4-5 février, 2010 : Paris), 2010 Additional Information Type: Project Number: 0099-5820 Status: Completed Year of completion: 2007 Research Field: OSH and Sustainable Prevention Work Environment Team: Denys Denis (IRSST)Marie St-Vincent (IRSST)Francis Couturier (Ergokin)Maud Gonella (IRSST)