IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Exploratory study of risks in hazardous residual material transfer centres


In recent years, the residual hazardous materials sector, including activities related to industrial cleaning, was the scene of several occupational accidents, some of which were fatal. This study results from a request from the Comité paritaire de l'environnement (CPE, joint environmental committee), consisting of CSST representatives and sector professionals which wanted to know the risk factors and health and safety hazards in residual hazardous material transfer centres. The study clarified the dynamics of the work carried out in these centres by documenting their organization in a general way; it evaluated qualitatively the chemical, microbiological and ergonomic risks that the workers have to face; it estimated the safety of the tasks carried out; and it defined prevention training programs. The portrait thus produced provides the managers of hazardous residual material treatment centres with useful tools for implementing prevention.

Additional Information

Type: Project
Number: 0099-3570
Status: Completed
Year of completion: 2005
  • Brigitte Roberge (IRSST)
  • Marc Baril (IRSST)