IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Design of an economical sound intensity meter and preliminary evaluation of a new concept of source location for acoustic intensity mapping


Although noise is one of the main occupational health and safety problems, the lack of effective tools often makes it difficult to analyze its intensity and to implement interventions to reduce it. Sound intensity measuring, the only standardized method for precisely evaluating the acoustical power of noise sources, requires costly equipment and advanced knowledge. The objective of this research project is to design a more accessible economical sound intensity meter, and to do a preliminary evaluation of a new concept of spatial location. When completed, this project could lead to the development of a system with a user-friendly graphical interface for mapping sound intensity. This new device would therefore be an additional tool for diagnosing noise and data acquisition problems, thus facilitating the analysis of sound intensity in work environments.

Additional Information

Type: Project
Number: 0099-2900
Status: Completed
Year of completion: 2005
  • André L'Espérance (Soft dB)
  • Alex Boudreau (Soft dB)
  • Michel Pearson (Université de Sherbrooke)