Task learning and MSD prevention: analysis of training situations of poultry industry instructors and workers Abstract In order to prevent musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) in poultry industry workers, a team of researchers analyzed the conditions in which work performance training is transmitted in three companies in the sector. This study provided a better understanding of the situation in the agri-food environment and determined the obstacles and the factors favouring the implementation of a dynamic that will promote the learning of prudent knowledge by the workers. Their conclusions will be of interest to companies, which will thus have additional avenues to support their training efforts, as well as to ergonomists and instructors, who will consequently be able to better organize MSD prevention. Produced Under this Project Scientific Reports Exploratory study of training and learning dynamics: task learning and the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders in three companies in the poultry industry Research Report: R-464 Simplified Articles Former au métier et à la prévention dans les abattoirs de volaillesPréciser la fonction des responsables, des formateurs et des apprentis Volume 20, n0 2 Scientific Publications Les dynamiques entourant la SST et la foration professionnelle en milieu de travail: situations d'entreprises du secteur avicole. Les dynamiques entourant la SST et la foration professionnelle en milieu de travail: situations d'entreprises du secteur avicoleChatigny C., Balleux A., Corbeil M., Ouellet S., Ouimet L.Source : in Actes du colloque la santé et la sécurité du travail au Québec: une collaboration multidisciplinaire : Congrès de l'ACFAS (11-12 mai, 2004 : Montréal, Canada), Réseau de recherche en santé et en sécurité du travail du Québec / RRSSTQ, 2004, (http://www.rrsstq.qc.ca/stock/fra/conferences0026.pdf) Other Project(s) You May be Interested in Exploratory Study of Risks and Risk-reduction Measures during the Cleaning and Disinfection of Machines in the Agrifood Sector Additional Information Type: Project Number: 0099-2760 Status: Completed Year of completion: 2006 Research Field: OSH and Sustainable Prevention Work Environment Team: Céline Chatigny (Université de Sherbrooke)André Balleux (Université de Sherbrooke)Jean-Guy Richard (IRSST)Monique Martin (Monique Martin, ergothérapeute-ergonome)Nicole Vézina (Université du Québec à Montréal )