IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Study of the Biological Agents and Ergonomic Risks Involved When Trucks with Articulated Arms are Used for Household Waste Collection


In two previous studies, the authors mainly proposed the use of a truck with an articulated arm to collect household waste so that the high exposure of workers to bioaerosols and the ergonomic constraints could be reduced. This study was to verify this hypothesis. Bioaerosol exposure and ergonomic constraints were therefore measured in garbage collectors in five types of collection under the worst conditions, namely during summer. The authors conclude that the use of this type of truck reduces exposure to airborne bacteria and endotoxins. However, the concentrations of molds remain similar to those noted during the collection of waste with a traditional truck. The ergonomic study demonstrates that the main constraints identified in the previous study were substantially reduced. Nonetheless, the ergonomic constraints associated with the layout of the truck and cabin and with the collection itself were identified during the study and will have to be corrected in the future.

Additional Information

Type: Project
Number: 0099-1870
Status: Completed
Year of completion: 2002
  • Jacques Lavoie (IRSST)
  • Serge Guertin (Ergo Norme inc.)