Analysis of occupational mental health prevention programs in organizations Abstract The frequent organizational changes in companies result in rather significant disruptions that can affect the workers, particularly psychologically. This occupational health aspect has not been extensively documented, so companies have few tools to help their personnel deal with such changes.This report describes a study carried out on employees in an institution of higher learning, an industry in the metallurgical sector, a hospital and a tree nursery. The results were of concern since the percentage of individuals from these organizations reporting a high level of psychological distress was two times higher than it was in 1998 for all of the active population in Québec. This distress comes in many forms: increased individualism, demotivation, mistrust of managers, disengagement, absenteeism, "presenteeism ", harassment and violence.Besides presenting a picture of the extent of work-related mental health and organizational stress factors, the report inventories the means and tools implemented by the sectors studied to take action on aspects that are stressful for employees. Produced Under this Project Scientific Reports Evaluation of workplace mental health: an analysis of human resources management practices Research Report: R-342 Simplified Articles Santé psychologique au travailDiagnostic pour une approche de prévention stratégique Volume 17, n0 2 Scientific Publications Miser sur les pratiques de gestion comme outil de prévention en santé mentale au travailBrun J.-P.Source : in Santé mentale et travail: l'urgence de penser autrement l'organisation: 58e Congrès des relations industrielles de l'Université Laval (58e : 5-6 mai, 2003 : Québec, Canada), 2003Occupational mental health: an analysis of human resources management practicesBrun J.-P., Biron C., Martel J., Ivers H.Source : in Fifth Conference of the European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology: Flexibility, Quality of Working Life, and Health (1st : November 20-21, 2003 : Berlin Germany), 2003Évaluation de la santé mentale au travail : une analyse des pratiques de gestion des ressources humainesBrun J.-P., Biron C., Martel J., Ivers H.Source : in 2e congrès national de l’Association canadienne de recherche en santé au travail - ACRST/CARWH, (2e : 25-26 octobre, 2003 : Montréal, Canada), 2003Évaluation de la santé mentale au travail: une analyse des pratiques de gestion des ressources humainesBrun J.-P., Biron C., Martel J., Ivers J.Source : In Innovation et prévention : Actes du XVIe Congrès mondial sur la sécurité et la santé au travail (16e : 26-31 mai, 2002 : Vienne, Autriche), 2002Évaluation de la santé mentale au travail: une analyse des pratiques de gestion des ressources humainesBrun J.-P.Source : in XXVIIIe Congrès national de médecine et santé au travail (28e : 7-10 juin, 2004 : Bordeaux, France). Archives des maladies professionnelles et de médecine du travail, vol. 65, no 2-3, 2004, p. 131-132Occupational mental health: an analysis of human resources management practicesBrun J.-P., Biron C., Ivers H.Source : in Association des sciences administratives du Canada / ASAC, (5-8 juin, 2004 : Québec, Canada), 2004 Additional Information Type: Project Number: 0099-0360 Status: Completed Year of completion: 2003 Research Field: Special Projects Team: Jean-Pierre Brun (Université Laval)