Intervention study and validation of measurement tools and preventive measures for the prevention of back disorders in the retail sector Abstract This publication describes the ergonomic analysis of materials handling work in a warehouse store which, for back pain, is one of the groups of companies most at risk in the retail sales sector. The job of stocker was targeted because it involves many handling activities. The authors describe the main risks faced by stockers as well as their determinants, meaning the conditions of the work situation causing the difficulties and the risk factors that they have to face. The ergonomic analyses reveal the characteristics of a warehouse superstore based on the products placed, the physical layout and work organization. The study shows that the stocker’s work has a large planning component related to stock and arrival management, characteristics that would be shared by all warehouse stores. Together with the company, the authors propose solutions applicable in the field for certain targeted problems. This study is original in that it paints the first precise picture of the handling activities in a warehouse store. However, other work will be necessary to produce a picture that can be generalized to the entire sector. Produced Under this Project Scientific Reports Work factors affecting manual material handling in a warehouse superstore Research Report: R-365 Simplified Articles Placeur dans un magasin-entrepôtManutention, maux de dos et... solutions Volume 18, n0 1 Scientific Publications Les principaux déterminants de l’exposition aux facteurs de risque du travail de placeur dans un magasin-entrepôtDufour B., St-Vincent M., Laberge M.Source : in Les transformations du travail, enjeux pour l’ergonomie : Actes du congrès conjoint de l’Association canadienne d’ergonomie et de la Société d’ergonomie de langue française / ACE-SELF, (3-5 octobre, 2001 : Montréal, Canada), CD-ROM, vol 5, 2001, p. 58-63Les difficultés liées au travail d'emballage : une solution aux multiples vertusDenis D., Richard M.-C., St-Vincent M., Imbeau D.Source : Travail et santé, vol. 18, no 4, 2002, p. 16-20Troubles musculo-squelettiques dans un magasin-entrepôt spécialisé dans la vente au détail: Les difficultés liées au travail d’emballage dans un magasin-entrepôt spécialisé dans la vente au détail : une solution aux multiples vertusDenis D., Richard M.-C., St-Vincent M., Imbeau D.Source : Travail et santé, vol. 18, no 4, 2002, p. 16-20Conditions de travail génératrices de stress chez des travailleurs de magasins-entrepôt de grande surfaceTrudeau R., St-Vincent M., Denis D., Imbeau D.Source : in Actes du colloque la santé et la sécurité du travail au Québec: une collaboration multidisciplinaire : Congrès de l'ACFAS (11-12 mai, 2004 : Montréal, Canada), Réseau de recherche en santé et en sécurité du travail du Québec / RRSSTQ, 2004, Module A, ( factors affecting manual materials handling in a warehouse superstoreSt-Vincent M., Denis D., Imbeau D., Laberge M.Source : International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, vol. 35, no 1, 2005, p. 33-46 Additional Information Type: Project Number: 0099-0210 Status: Completed Year of completion: 2004 Research Field: OSH and Sustainable Prevention Work Environment Team: Marie St-Vincent (IRSST)Alain Delisle (IRSST)Denys Denis (Denys Denis, consultant)Bernard Dufour (Bernard Dufour, consultant)Marie Laberge (Marie Laberge, consultante)Daniel Imbeau (Polytechnique Montréal)Marie-Christine Richard (Polytechnique Montréal)