Characterization of microorganisms in the air of pork-breeding facilities Abstract Several studies have indicated the existence of a high prevalence (up to 68%) of chronic bronchitis among workers involved in pork-breeding; isolated cases of asthma and allergic alveolitis have also been reported. Pork-breeding is the second largest agricultural sector in Québec, employing approximately 15 000 people. Although the working conditions in Québec pork-breeding operations have not been studied, it is generally accepted that they are characterized by the presence of multiple species of microorganisms, various antigenic substances (feed, pig hair and skin, etc.), and a number of toxic gases, including hydrogen sulphide, ammonia, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide.At the request of a pneumologist at l’Hôpital Laval in Québec, the IRSST sampled the ambient air of four pork-breeding facilities and characterized the microflora found there. The goals of the project were the characterization of the microflora and the factors on which their growth depends, and the evaluation of the feasibility of implementing engineering control measures and personal protective strategies. The most commonly encountered species of microflora were identified and quantified, sampling methods developed, and a guide for the evaluation of exposure to microflora distributed to pork breeders and those responsible for occupational health and safety. Produced Under this Project Scientific Reports Microflora in the ambient air of pig breeding facilities Research Report: R-036Microflora in the ambient air of pig breeding facilities Report Appendix: RA-036Microflora in the ambient air of pig breeding facilities Research Summary: PR-121Sampling of microorganisms in work environments Literature review: B-008, S-005 Scientific Publications Down-draft ventilation in swine confinement buildingsGingras G., Lavoie J., Geneviève MarchandSource : in Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering (1991, Fredericton, N.-B.), Proceedings of the Canadian Society of Agricultural Engineering, Fredericton, Nouveau-Brunswick, 1991, 9 p.Airborne microbial contents in two types of swine confinement buildings in QuebecCormier Y., Tremblay G., Mériaux A., Brochu G., Lavoie J.Source : American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, vol. 51, no 6, 1990, p. 304-309Range and variability of air contamination in swine confinement buildings (SCB)Duchaine C., Grimard Y., Cormier Y.Source : American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, vol. 157, no 3, 1998, p. A882Pour tout savoir sur la ventilation par extraction basseGingras G., Jobin C., Lavoie J., Rondeau F.Source : in Colloque sur la production porcine, novembre 1995 : Drummondville, Canada), Auberge Universelle, 1995Control of the Bioaerosols in a Swine Confinement Building with a Downward Ventilation systemGeneviève Marchand, Lavoie J., Gingras G.Source : in 94th American Society for Microbiology General Meeting (94th : May 23-27, 1994 : Las Vegas, Nevada), 1994 La ventilation par extraction basse dans les porcheriesGingras G., Lavoie J., Geneviève MarchandSource : in Journées de recherche en zootechnie (9-10 juin, 1992 : St-Hyacinthe, Canada), 1992Downward Ventilation in Swine Confinement BuildingLavoie J., Gingras G., Geneviève MarchandSource : in American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Exposition (May 19-24, 1991 : Salt Lake City, Utah), 1991La microflore de l'air ambiant des porcheriesLavoie J., Cormier Y., Mériaux A.Source : in 23e congrès international de la médecine du travail, (23e : 22-28 septembre, 1990 : Montréal, Canada), 1990, p. 471La ventilation (pulsion/extraction) dans les porcheriesLavoie J., Gingras G.Source : Centre national du machinisme agricole, du génie rural des eaux et des forêts de France, Rennes, France, 1990Microflore aérienne de porcheries types du QuébecCormier Y., Tremblay G., Brochu A., Mériaux A., Lavoie J.Source : in XXXe réunion annuelle de médecine clinique, (30e : 7-8 octobre, 1989 : Pointe-au-Pic, Canada), 1989L'air ambiant des porcheriesLavoie J.Source : in L'hygiène industrielle: vers une intégraion des disciplines : 10e congrès de l'Association pour l'hygiène industrielle au Québec / AHIQ, (10e : 1-3 juin, 1988 : Montréal, Canada), 1988, p. 26La microflore de l'air ambiant des porcheriesLavoie J.Source : Mémoire de maîtrise, Université McGill, 1988, 33 pControl of Bioaerosols in a Swine Confinement Building with a Downward Ventilation SystemGeneviève Marchand, Lavoie J., Gingras G.Source : in Aerobiology '95: Annual Symposium of the Pan-Americanp Aerobiology Association (1995 : Tulsa, Oklahoma), 1995Évaluation de l’efficacité d’un système de ventilation à extraction à la base pour assainir le contenu aéromicrobien dans une porcherie comparativement au système conventionnelGeneviève MarchandSource : Mémoire de maîtrise, Mars 1993. 96 pages Additional Information Type: Project Number: 0087-0380 Status: Completed Research Field: Chemical and Biological Hazard Prevention Team: Jacques Lavoie (IRSST)