Development and validation of criteria for the calculation of re-entry delays for pesticides used in market gardening. Phase 2: Determination of delays, and production of a prevention guide Abstract Designed to promote prevention activities during pesticide use, this guide provides in-depth information and numerous references on the subject. After reviewing the serious, chronic effects associated with the main families of pesticides, the authors recommend proper practices to minimize vegetable workers’ exposure to these products. This extensive repertory of pesticides, listed by brand name, presents, for each product, the level of toxicity as well as the recommended length of time workers should wait before returning to the fields. Rounded off by data on the risks associated with flammability and chemical instability, this guide should help vegetable farmers choose the product that presents the least danger. Produced Under this Project Guide and Tools Prevention guide for pesticide users in vegetable farming Technical guide: RG-273 Simplified Articles Agriculture maraîchère Un guide rappelle les règles à suivre pour éviter l'exposition aux pesticides Volume 15, n0 3 Scientific Publications Chapitre 7 : Mesure de l'expositionWeber J. P., Bergeret A., Berode M., Droz P. O., Gérin M., Goyer N., Héroux P., Laroche C.Source : in Le Moullec, Y.; Payment, P. (eds). Environnement et santé publique: fondements et pratiques. Paris, Éditions Tec & Doc, 2003, p. 163-202 Additional Information Type: Project Number: 0098-0340 Status: Completed Year of completion: 2001 Research Field: Chemical and Biological Hazard Prevention Team: Onil Samuel (Centre de toxicologie du Québec, INSPQ)Louis St-Laurent (Centre de toxicologie du Québec, INSPQ)Jean-Philippe Weber (Centre de toxicologie du Québec, INSPQ)