Vibration caused by riveters used in airframe assembly Abstract Airframe assembly involves the use of riveters and rams for the fastening of girders. It also involves the crunching of aluminum rivets by striking them on one side with a riveting hammer, while the other side is supported by a steel ram. The operation therefore requires two workers, who are both exposed to forearm and hand vibrations generated by the riveting hammer. These vibrations can cause Raynaud’s syndrome, depending on their intensity, length of daily exposure and the number of hours worked. For this project, the research team compared two models of riveting hammers and rams used in airframe assembly operations, including the antivibration models. The also identified those that create the mowest level of vibration. The study also showed that noise-reducing pads have little effect on the level of vibration to which riveters are exposed. Produced Under this Project Scientific Reports Vibration generated by rivet guns during airframe assembly Research Report: R-081The vibrations produced by riveting hammers in aerospace assembly Research Summary: PR-154 Scientific Publications Hand-arm vibration associated with the use of riveting hammers in the aerospace industry and efficiency of antivibration devicesBoileau P.-É., Scory H., Brooks G., Amram M.Source : in Proceeding of the Canadian Acoustical Association Symposium (1992 : Vancouver, Canada), 1992, p. 15-16Rivetage : une solution innovatrice pour la réduction du bruitAmram M., Ostiguy G., Lahlou R.Source : Santé Sécurité, vol. 3, no 3, décembre 1994, p. 8A new vacuum activated damping device to reduce noise and vibration during rivetingAmram M., Masson P., Boileau P.-É., Lahlou R.Source : Canadian Acoustics/Acoustique canadienne, vol. 23, no 1, 1995, p. 3-9 Additional Information Type: Project Number: 0090-0080 Status: Completed Research Field: Unclassified Team: Paul-Émile Boileau (IRSST)Jérôme Boutin (IRSST)Pierre Drouin (IRSST)Henri Scory (IRSST)