IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Instruments and Sampling Material

The exclusive clients of laboratory services may borrow these instruments or order new material using Cliclab.

 See the Operating Instructions

Sampling Instruments

Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
Noise dosimeterSpark 705 Plus
Noise dosimeterSpark 706
Noise dosimeterSpark 706RC
Noise dosimeterSpartan 730
Noise dosimeterSpartan 730is
Sound calibratorBK 4231
Sound level meterBK 2240
Sound level meterBK 2245
Sound level meterLD 831
Sound level meterSpartan 821IH-QPR
Vibration DosimeterHVM200-complet
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
4-gas detectorX-AM 5600 4 GAZ
4-gas detectorX-AM-8000
Air quality monitorQ-Track XP 7585
Ammonia detectorPAC 7000 NH3
CBA caseValise ACR 2
CO2 detectorX-AM 5600 CO2
Formaldehyde detectorFormaldemeter htV-m
Mercury detectorJerome J405
Nitrous oxide detectorG200
Ozone detectorBW Solo
Ozone detectorPOM
Personal chlorine detectorPAC 8000 DE CL2
Personal CO detectorPAC 7000 CO-LC
Personal H2S detectorPAC 6500 H2S
Personal H2S detectorPAC 7000 H2S
Personal NO detectorPAC 7000 NO
Personal NO detectorPAC 8000 NO
Personal NO2 detectorPAC 7000 NO2
Personal NO2 detectorPAC 8000 NO2
Personal SO2 detectorMicro IV
Personal SO2 detectorPAC 7000 SO2
PhotoionizerToxiRAE Pro PID
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
CycloneYork / Dorr-Oliver
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
Ensemble d’évaluation des charges ioniquesSimco 775
Field meterEHP-50C
Field meterNARDA ELT-400
Field meterNBM-550
Field meterSMP3 Wavecontrol
Laser telemeter424D
Laser telemeterLeica Disto A5
Moniteur de rayonnement non-ionisantNardalert S3
RadiometerCorentium Pro
RadiometerRADEYE B20-ER
Tore ampèremétriqueHI-3702
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
Accessories for instrumentsQuesTemp 34-Rallonge
Air quality monitorFluke 975
Digital thermohygrometerHM34C
Digital thermohygrometerHM40
Digital thermometer63
Dynamometer -TorsionDFS2-R-ND
Heat stress monitorQuesTemp 34
Heat stress monitorRSS-214DL
Immersion probeFluke 80TK
LuxmeterCAL-LIGHT 400
Trident for RSS-214RSS-214DL-Trident
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
Caméra Infra-rougeFLK-Ti50FT-20
ChargerYL 7250
DRI - aerosolsAeroTrak 9306-V2
DRI - aerosolsDust Trak II 8530
DRI - aerosolsP-TRAK 8525
DRI - aerosolsSidePak AM520
EndoscopeMicro CA-350
Flow meterDefender bas débit
Flow meterDefender haut débit
Flow meterDefender très haut débit
Flow meterTSI 4146D
Fume generatorGénérateur de fumées
High-flow pump220-3000 (Airchek Essentiel)
High-flow pump220-4000 (Airchek connect)
High-flow pump220-5000TC (AirChek Touch)
High-flow pumpGilAir
High-flow pumpGilAir Plus
High-flow pumpGilAir5
High-flow pumpPCXR
ImpactorAndersen N-6 1 étage
Low-flow pump220-1000TC (Pocket Touch)
Low-flow pumpLFS-113
ManomètreFluke 922
Moisture meterSurveymaster SM
Thermoanémomètre avec sonde QAITSI 9600 + CO/CO2
Very high-flow pumpAircon 2
Very high-flow pumpLeland Legacy

Sampling Material

Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
EXT402 tubes: Carbon disulfide
2121Activated charcoal 400/200 mg
2120Activated charcoal tube 100/50 mg
2189Activated charcoal with TBC
EXT49Anasorb 708 tube: Acrylic acid
2185Anasorb 727 tube 300/150 mg
2190Anasorb 747 140/70mg
2197Anasorb 747 tubes (2) 400/200 mg in series
EXT50Anasorb 747-impregnated tube: Sulfur dioxide
2127Chromosorb 106 tube
2210Florisil tube with pre-tube
EXT52Hydrar tube: Mercury
2196Impregnated silica gel with DNPH 300/150 mg + KI
EXT57Impregnated XAD-2 tube: Ethylene diamine
EXT62Impregnated XAD-7 tube: 2-pyridyl
2186Orbo 23 tube 120/60 mg
2187Orbo 42L tube 100/50 mg
2195Orbo 92 tube
EXT53OVS tube: Propylene glycol
EXT64OVS-7 (filter + tube) for ethylene glycol
2162Porapak Q tube 150/75 mg
EXT63Series tubes: Bromomethane
EXT51Silica gel tube: Sodium azide
2140Silica gel tube 150/75 mg
EXT65SKC 226-35-03 Tenax tube for ethylene glycol dinitrate
EXT66SKC 226-35-03 Tenax tube for yellow phosphorus
EXT54Soda lime tube: Hydrogen cyanide
2198Sorbant tube XAD-7 100/50 mg
2144Tube of carbon pretreated with sulfuric acid 500/250 mg
EXT70Tube XAD-7: Cyclohexylamine
EXT68Tube: 1,6-hexanediol diacrylate
EXT36Tube: 4-Methoxyphenol
EXT38Tube: Caprolactam
EXT39Tube: Cyano-2 ethyl acrylate
EXT41Tube: Ethylene diamine
EXT47Tube: Ethylene oxide
EXT37Tube: Formic acid
EXT42Tube: Hydroxide
EXT43Tube: Iodine
EXT44Tube: Isopropanolamine
EXT48Tube: Mercury fumes
EXT45Tube: N,N-Dimethylaniline
EXT46Tube: Nitroglycerin
2170XAD-2 tube 80/40 mg impregnated NIT
EXT55XAD-2 tube: Ethanolamine or diethylene triamine
EXT56XAD-2 tube: Nitroethane
2188XAD-2 120/60 mg impregnated with HMP
EXT59XAD-4 tube: Peroxide methyl ethyl ketone
EXT58XAD-4 tube: MEK peroxide
EXT60XAD-7 tube: Biphenyl
EXT61XAD-7 tube: Cresols
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
103IAQ Probe charger
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
19012-litre aluminized bag-Purchase
19055-litre aluminized bag
19065-litre aluminized bag-Purchase
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
6406330Acetic acid chip 2.0 to 50.0
6406550Ammonia chip 0.2to 5 ppm
6406020Ammonia chip 10 to 150 ppm
6406570Ammonia chip 100 to 2000 ppm
6406130Ammonia chip 2 to 50 ppm
6406030Benzene chip 0.2 to 10 ppm
6406160Benzene chip 0.5 to 10 ppm
6406280Benzene chip 10 to 250 ppm
6406600Benzene chip 50 go 2500 ppb
6406460Butadiene chip 1 to 25 ppm
6406210Carbon dioxide-CO2 chip 1 to 20%
6406090Chlorhydric acid chip 1-25
6406140Chlorhydric acid chip 20-500
6406010Chlorine chip 0.2 to 10 ppm
6406196CMS CO2 chip
6406080CO chip 5-150 ppm
6406070CO2 chip 1000-25000
6406190CO2 chip 200-3000
6406100Cyanhydric acid chip 2-50
6406370Ethanol chip 100-2500
6406580Ethylene oxide chip 0.4-5 ppm
6406520H2S chip 0.2-5
6406220H2S chip 100-2500
6406150H2S chip 20-500
6406050H2S chip 2-50
6406270Hydro.oil chip 100-3000
6406200Hydro.oil chip 20-500
6406440Hydrogen peroxide chip 0.2-2
6406390Isopropanol chip 40 to 1000
6406380Methanol chip 20-500
6406530Methyl tert-butyl ether chip 10-200 ppm
6406510Methylene chloride chip 10-200
6406120Nitrogen dioxide chip 0.5 to 25
6406060NO/NO2 chip .5-15
6406240NO/NO2 chip 10-200
6406400Oxygen chip 1 - 25%
6406490Oxygen chip 1 - 25%
6406430Ozone chip .,03-1.0
6406040Perchlorote chip .5-150 ppm
6406340Phosgene chip 0.05 to 2.0 ppm
6406410Phosphine chip 1.0 to 25 ppm
6406420Phosphine chip 20 to 500 ppm
6406500Phosphine chip 200-5000
8610190Plaquette de dioxyde de Carbone 200-50000 ppm
8610100Plaquette Formaldéhyde 0,15-3 ppm
8610430Plaquette Ozone 10-1000 ppb
6406310Propane chip 200-2000
6406110SO2 chip 0.4-10
6406180SO2 chip 5-150
6406560Styrene chip 2.0-40
6406250Toluene chip 10-300
6406320Trichloroethyl chip .5-100
6406170Vinyl chloride chip 0.3-10
6406230Vinyl chloride chip 10-250
6406450Water vapour chip 0.4 to 10.0
6406260Xylene chip 10-300
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
6502Ball for smoke tube 40543855
1DCO dosi-tube
CH29901Draeger CO tubes
8103261Draeger OXYGEN tube 5-23%
6718401Draeger triethylamine tube
500Fume testing set (ball & tubes)
137Gastec tube: Chloroform 100-400
70Gastec tube: Mercaptan .5-5 ppm
174LGastec tube: 1,3-Butadiene 2.5-100 ppm
135LGastec tube: 1-1-1 Trichloroethane 6-900 ppm
92MGastec tube: Acetaldehyde 2.5 to 1000 ppm
81LGastec tube: Acetic acid 0.125-25-CS
81Gastec tube: Acetic acid 1-100
151Gastec tube: ACETONE .01-2%
151LGastec tube: Acetone 50-12000 ppm
171Gastec tube: Acetylene .05-4%
80Gastec tube: ACID 1-80 ppm
93Gastec tube: Acrolein 20-800 ppm
180LGastec tube: AMINES 0.25 to 39 ppm
180Gastec tube: AMINES 1.5-280 ppm
3MGastec tube: Ammonia 10-1000ppm
3LAGastec tube: Ammonia 2.5-200 ppm
19LAGastec tube: ARSINE .04-10
121SPGastec tube: BENZENE .5-11500 ppm
121LGastec tube: Benzene 0.125-60 ppm
121Gastec tube: BENZENE 5-120 ppm
1118Gastec tube: Bromide/methyl 2.5-200
136LGastec tube: Bromide/methyl 2.5-200
104Gastec tube: Butane 25 to 1400 ppm
1LGastec tube: Carbon monoxide 2.5-2000
1LKGastec tube: Carbon monoxide 5-300
1LLGastec tube: Carbon monoxide 5-50 ppm
1LAGastec tube: CARBON MONOXIDE 8-1000 ppm
14LGastec tube: Chlorhydric acid .2-40
8LAGastec tube: Chlorine 0.05-16 ppm
137LGastec tube: Chloroform 0.5-27 pp
1HGastec tube: CO .2-5%
1MGastec tube: CO 0.1-2%
2LGastec tube: CO2 .13-6%
2HGastec tube: CO2 .5-20%
2HHGastec tube: CO2 2.5-40%
2LLGastec tube: CO2 300-5000 ppm
12LGastec tube: Cyanhydric acid
12MGastec tube: Cyanhydric acid 17-2400 ppm
22Gastec tube: Diborane 0.02 to 5 ppm
183Gastec tube: DIMETHYLFORMAMIDE .8-90
141LGastec tube: Ethyl acetate 800
112LGastec tube: Ethyl alcohol
72LGastec tube: Ethyl mercaptan 0.2-75 ppm
161Gastec tube: ETHYL. ETHER 0.04-1%
161LGastec tube: ETHYL. ETHER 10-1200
172LGastec tube: Ethylene 0.2-50 ppm
172Gastec tube: Ethylene 25-800 ppm
165LGastec tube: Ethylene glycol 10-150 mg/m3
163LGastec tube: Ethylene oxide 4-100 ppm
17Gastec tube: Fluorhydric acid 0.25-100
91LLGastec tube: Formaldehyde 0.05-1 ppm
91LGastec tube: Formaldehyde 0.1-32 ppm
91Gastec tube: Formaldehyde 2-100ppm
101LGastec tube: Gasoline 30-2000 ppm
51LGastec tube: Halothane 1-54ppm
102LGastec tube: Hexane 10-2640 ppm
185Gastec tube: Hydrazine .05-2ppm
105Gastec tube: Hydrocarbons
30Gastec tube: Hydrogen 0.5-2%
14MGastec tube: Hydrogen chloride 10-1000
4LLGastec tube: Hydrogen sulfide 0.25-120 ppm
4LGastec tube: Hydrogen sulfide 10-120
4HGastec tube: Hydrogen sulfide 10-4000 ppm
4HMGastec tube: Hydrogen sulfide 25-1600
144Gastec tube: ISOBUTYL ACETATE 10 to 300 ppm
113LGastec tube: isopropyl alcohol
1DLGastec tube: Long-life CO
100AGastec tube: LPG hydrocarbons
152Gastec tube: MEK .02-0.6
40Gastec tube: Mercury (fumes) 0.05-13.2 mg/m3
111LGastec tube: Methyl alcohol
111Gastec tube: Methyl alcohol .02-1.5 ppm
111LLGastec tube: METHYL ALCOHOL 2-56 ppm
70LGastec tube: Methyl mercaptan
71Gastec tube: Methyl mercaptan
149Gastec tube: Methyl methacrylate 10-500
135Gastec tube: Methylchloroform 100-1500
138Gastec tube: Methylene chloride 25-1500
106Gastec tube: NAPHTHA .5-1 mg/L
142LGastec tube: n-Butyl acetate 10-300
114Gastec tube: n-Butyl alcohol 2.5-150 ppm
15LGastec tube: Nitric acid L.R. 1-40 PPM
11LGastec tube: Nitrogen oxide 0.2-5 ppm
11HAGastec tube: Nitrogen oxide 50-2500
11SGastec tube: Nitrogen oxide 5-250 ppm
10Gastec tube: NO:5 200 NO2:2.5-200
9DGastec tube: NO2
61Gastec tube: o-Cresol 0.4-62.5
31BGastec tube: Oxygen 3-24 %
18MGastec tube: OZONE 4-400ppm
18LGastec tube: Ozone 0.025-3 ppm
133MGastec tube: Perchloroethylene 2-250 ppm
60Gastec tube: Phenol 0.4-187 ppm
16Gastec tube: Phosgene 0.05-20 ppm
7LGastec tube: Phosphine .3-5ppm
7LAGastec tube: Phospine 0.05-9.8 pp
107Gastec tube: POLYTEC I (plus. subst.)
100BGastec tube: PROPANE .2-2%
145Gastec tube: PROPYL ACETATE
128Gastec tube: S.ST .50-800mg/m3
45SGastec tube: SO2 .5-10 HS:2.5-60
124Gastec tube: Styrene 10-1500 ppm
124LGastec tube: STYRENE 2-100 ppm
53Gastec tube: Sulfur/dimethyl 0.25-10 ppm
35Gastec tube: Sulfuric acid 0.5-5 mg/m3
133LGastec tube: TETRACHLOROETHYLENE .5-75
159Gastec tube: Tetrahydrofuran 20-800
122Gastec tube: Toluene 5-600 ppm
132MGastec tube: Trichoroethylene
132LLGastec tube: Trichoroethylene .5-70 ppm
143Gastec tube: Vinyl acetate 10-100 ppm
131LAGastec tube: Vinyl chloride
123Gastec tube: Xylene 5-500 ppm
23LGastec tubes CHLORIDE 0.025 to 0.05 pp
191LGastec tubes: ACRYLONITRILE 0.125-15 ppm
3LGastec tubes: Ammonia 0.5-60 ppm
137LAGastec tubes: Chloroform
13Gastec tubes: CS2 .63-100 ppm
163LLGastec tubes: Ethylene oxide .1-10
101Gastec tubes: GASOLINE 0.015
32Gastec tubes: Hydrogen peroxide
116Gastec tubes: N-BUTYL ALCOHOL 5 to 15
20LGastec tubes: Nickel carbonyl 10-80 ppm
9501Gastec tubes: Smoke (6 tubes)
5LBGastec tubes: Sulfur dioxide 0.05-10 ppm
5LCGastec tubes: Sulfur dioxide 0.1-25 ppm
5MGastec tubes: Sulfur dioxide 20-3600 ppm
122LGastec tubes: TOLUENE 2-50
131LGastec tubes: Vinyl chloride 0.1-8.8
92Tube Gastec: Acétaldéhyde 5-750ppm
153Tube Gastec: MIBK 0.05 -0.6%
CH25001Tubes Drager - Arsine 0.05
CH25301TUBES DRAGER-Indicateur de courant d'air
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
691825 mm adapter ring
6915Adapter rings (5) 37 mm, G
6855Adapter/cassette 25 mm - Cyclone
6865Adapter/cassette 37 mm #225-102
6895Grit pots for GS-3 cyclone
6916GS3 cyclone holder
6917Screw for GS3 cyclone
P5379Spring for GS3 holder
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
6820Dosimeter microphone clip
100025Spark 706 clip case
6890Spark 706 dosimeter case
6785Spark battery cover
6220Windscreen (WS006)
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
6400812Ampoules Flow Check
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
5335C13020 soap solution
5710Defender flow meter charger
6900Particulate filter for Drycal
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
59601/8 inch copper probe
5770Refr. 36-inch teflon probe
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
6810882CO cell for X-AM 2000
6930Formaldehyde standard for Form
0036100MultiRAE Plus charger
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
981Isocyanates glass midget impinger and filter
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
EXT1External analysis impinger
1415Glass midget Impinger for isocyantes
1424Impinger: CLO2
1414Impinger: Cyanide
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
6610PMG rubber 1003P10
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
5570Agar-Agar mould malt
5560Agar-TSA bacteria agar
5578Dacron-tipped Swab (Dry)
5565McConkey - Air - Bact.G
930Polycarbonate filter
5585Self-adhesive myco slide
931Spores cassette
5564Sterile container - Liquid
5566Sterile container - Solid
5567Sterile container - Thio. 1000 ml
5568Sterile PET tube
5540Sterile sponge
935Treated GF filter
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
3040Adapter #225 13-2
5300Draeger tube opener (6401200)
010120Hydrion PH paper
50492-1Leather-velcro for welding fumes kit (6880)
1062Nasco 4 oz 3x7 inch sampling bag
6925Opening latch for case
225135ASKC 25 and 37 mm cassette opener
224-11SKC Pump screwdriver
226-03-055SKC Tube Breaker Capper
100-CVarious cassettes
100-TVarious tubes
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
8326858Vis pour PAC 6500 et 8000
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
8323617 PAC 7000 KIT screw
8323615Filtre sensor pour Pac 7000 (4)
CR17345Pile 3V Duracell
8319186Pince pour Pac 7000
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
8326852Filtres à poussières pour Pac 8000
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
6825DustTrak IP-800699 cleaning brush
6835DustTrak zero filter #800663
6830Filter element for DustTrak #800666
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
2696566AT passive dosimeter
EXT4Dosimeter: Hydrogen peroxide
EXT3Dosimeter: Mercury
EXT5Dosimeter: Nitrogen protoxide
EXT6Dosimeter: Radon
EXT2Dosimeter: Sulfur dioxide
2610Dosimètre Passif aldehyde 571
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
002-3022External filter
0081171MultiRAE Plus sensor
5912ToxiRAE Pro PID calibration head
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
6815133µm fritted filter for Vaisala
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
6280# P2240902 gaskets
5941Air outlet cap for SKC - PP TOUCH (P53440)
220-800Base de recharge pour Aircheck Touch
800086Batterie NICD LFS
783000902Batterie NiMh pour GilAir5
P21661Batterie NiMh pour SKC XR
P22417-Dcaising for skc
223-2000Chargeur Powerflex
224-26-CPCControleur pression constante pour Airchek Touch
P20422Cover for AirChek Touch Pump
6030PCover plate
6030Cover plate 800470
5230Double orifice 224-26-02
220-700Fil d'alimentation MULTIPLE pour Aircheck Touch
220-600Fil d'alimentation pour Aircheck Touch
223-GILGilAir filter for PowerFlex
5990GilAir IP800556 inlet filter
6210GilAir pump air outlet plate
5150Inlet filters: SKC 22409
5180Inlet filters-IPB8000933
210-500Kit adaptateur bas flux
5722LFS NiMh charger
224-27Low Flow Adapter/Single Tube Holder / ALL IN ONE
783000803NiMh battery for GilAir
224-33C1PCXR pierced front plate
6301Powerflex charger
5630Quadruple orifice 224-26-04
6300Series pump battery cable 223-1002
5880Shipping cover P224-33C
5220Single orifice 224-26-01
5755SKC screwcap adjustment
223-1002SKC XR cable PowerFlex charger
6870Top cover for casing
5620Triple orifice 224-26-03
5200Tube holder and protector 222-3-1
5210Tube holder and protector 222-3-L1
5250Tube protector 110 mm 224-29B
5240Tube protector 70 mm 224-29A
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
120018AMMONIA 50 ppm 58L
120001CARBON DIOXIDE 1000 ppm 100L
120016CARBON DIOXIDE 3% 100L
120019CARBON DIOXIDE 4500 ppm 100L
120020CARBON MONOXIDE 200 ppm 100L
120015CARBON MONOXIDE 50 ppm 100L
120010CHLORINE 5 ppm 58L
120017CO 200 ppm and CO2 4500 PPM MIX 100L
120009Dioxyde de soufre 10PPM 58L (NI SD10M-D58GA)
120012HYDROGEN CYANIDE 10 ppm 58L
120011HYDROGEN SULFIDE 200 ppm 58L
120008Isobutylène 100PPM 100L (AI IY100-D100GA)
120021Mélange de CH4,CO,H2S,O2 58L (NI CO100X3D58GA)
120024Mélange de Propane (C3H8) 1.1%, CO 100ppm,H2S 25PPM (NI CO100X43D58G)
120003Méthane 2.5% 100L (AI ME2.5D100GAL)
120007NITROGEN 100L
120004NITROGEN DIOXIDE 5 ppm 58L
120005NITROGEN MONOXIDE 30 ppm 58L
120002PROPANE 1.1% 100L
120006ZERO AIR 100L
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
1110125 ml polyethelene bottles
110560 ml polyethylene bottles
1910Sealing bag
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
97725mm coated quartz filter in a conical cassette
97625mm quartz filter in a conical cassette
99025-mm Solu-Sert MCE filter
99237-mm Solu-Sert MCE filter
948Cassette and MCE filter, 25 mm, 5 µm, disposable inhalable (DIS)
922Cassette and PVC filter prew. 25 mm, 5 µm, disposable inhalable
918Cassette with conductive extension and MCE, 25 mm, 0.8 µm
912Cellulose nitrate filter 37 mm
EXT20Filter: Benzoyl peroxide
EXT11Filter: Colophane
EXT13Filter: Fluorides, total particulate
EXT14Filter: Gaseous fluorides and total particulates
EXT12Filter: Hydrogen fluoride
EXT15Filter: Methyl mercaptan
EXT16Filter: MXDA
EXT25Filter: Nitrogen trichloride (chloramine)
EXT17Filter: Ortho-phthalaldehyde
EXT18Filter: Ortho-terphenyl
EXT35Filter: Ozone
EXT19Filter: Paraffin wax (fume)
EXT22Filter: Phosphine
EXT8Filter: Phtalic anhydride
EXT10Filter: Sodium azide
EXT23Filter: Terphenyl
EXT21Filter: Tributyl phosphate
EXT26Filter: Triethanolamine
EXT9Filter: Trimellitic anhydride
956FV filter impregnated with H2SO4, 25 mm, amines
955FV filter impregnated with sulfuric acid
EXT33GF filter: Maleic anhydride
911GF filter, 37 mm, 0.8µm
936GF filter, 3-part, 37 mm, 0.8 µm
970Impregnated GF filter
917Impregnated GF filter in series with teflon filter and vial
974Impregnated quartz filter in series with quartz filter, 37 mm, 3-part
915MCE filter, 25 mm, 0.8µm, closed
916MCE filter, 25 mm, 0.8µm, preweighed
913MCE filter, 37 mm, 0,8µm, preweighed
905MCE filter, 37 mm, 0.8 µm, closed
934MCE filter, 3-part, 37 mm, 0.8 µm
901Plastic IOM PVC, 25 mm, 5 µm
928Plastic IOM, MEC filter, 0.8 µm, 25 mm
924Plastic IOM, PVC filter, 5 µm, 25 mm
944PPI cassette with quartz filter and vial
EXT30Pretreated silver filter: Bromides
902Preweighed PVC filter, 37 mm, 5 µm
961Preweighed teflon filter, 25mm, 5µm, IOM
960Preweighed teflon filter, 37 mm, 5 µm
937PTFE filter, 37 mm, 1 µm, preweighed, with Orbo 42L tube
999PTFE specifc proteins
998PTFE total proteins
914PVC filter, 25 mm, preweighed, 5 µm
997PVC filter, 37 mm 5 µm, preweighed, 3-part
903PVC filter, 37 mm, 5 µm
910PVC-37 mm, 5 mm preweighed capsule (Accu-Cap)
975Quartz filter and vial
941Respirable impactor (PPI) 2L/min and MCE filter prew. 37 mm, 0,8 µm
950Silver filter, 0.8µm, 25 mm,
EXT27Silver filter: Bromides
EXT28Silver filter: Chloride
EXT34Teflon filter: Nitrogen trichloride
EXT31Teflon filter: Thiram
952Treated quartz filters, 25 mm
953Treated quartz filters, 37 mm
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
111910 cm X 10 cm template
2625Chromate identification kit
550-001Lead colorimetric identification kit
3090Wet wipe sample kit - metals
3070Wipe sample kit - metals (filter media) only ext.
3050Wipe sample kit for aliphatic isocyanates
3060Wipe sample kit for aromatic isocyanates
3020Wipe sample kit for cyanides
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
3005Blood tube label
100Process sample label
3000Urine jar label
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
1896Black 6-sample box-Urine
1895Blue 12-sample box-Blood
1898Green 24-sample box-Urine
1897Grey 12-sample box-Urine
1894Orange 30-sample box-Blood
1899Red 60-sample box-Blood
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
301012-cassette cardboard box
1805Shipping box-.16c/25 mm cassettes
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
DB-03111/2 inch adaptor for BK 4230
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
ADP109Microphone adaptor 1/4 in
PSA042QI Charger
730-CLIPSReplacement clip
CBL218USB cable
WS012Wind screen - Spartan 730
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
5030B&K 2240 case
6920B&K 2240 random incidence corrector
M770.0052Dragonne pour LD831 et B&k 2240
6910Wind/dustscreen for B&K
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
5450Alligator clip 1/2 1p1-800-135
5430Alligator clip 1/4 IPA 8000066
5440Alligator clip 3/8 IPA-800-142
5463Tube fitting Reducer 1/4-3/16''
5420Tygon tube 1/4 inch / 3/8 inch ALC 000017
5400Tygon tube 1/8 inch /1/4 ALC 00012
5410Tygon tube 3/16 inch / 5/16 inch ALC 00012
5425Tygon tube 5/16 /7/16 AJC 00022
6880Welding fumes device (225-600)
Private Sector CustomerQuébec OHS System Professionals
56-563DB protector
053-923Module de vérification Questemp
5110Wick and sponge set (323-5020)

Last updated: March 25, 2025