IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

According to Decree 280-2024 published on February 28, 2024, in the Gazette officielle du Québec, the amendment to the Appendix 1 of the Regulation respecting occupational health and safety (RSST, RLRQ, c. S-2.1, r. 13) will come into force on March 14, 2024. These regulatory changes have not yet been incorporated into the current Substance Data Sheets of the Sampling Guide for Air Contaminants in the Workplace. An update is currently underway and will be available as soon as possible. Consequently, the information contained in the data sheets of substances modified or added in Decree 280-2024 is partially inaccurate or incomplete. Please consult our infoLABO (in French only) for more details. Please contact our client service: [email protected] for further information.

Manganese - Fumes, dust and compounds (Pr)  

French name in the regulation: Manganèse - Fumées, poussières et composés (Pr)
CAS : 7439-96-5

Exposure Standards in RROHS regulation

Permissible exposure values (PEV)
ppm mg/m3 f/cc Notes
TWAEV - 0,05 - Pr
STEV - - - -
Ceiling - - - -
Carcinogenicity Sensitizer
Simple asphyxiantPercutaneous
Prohibited useProhibited recirculation
Minimum exposureExplosion hazard

TWA adjustment for unusual work schedules


CNESST – Toxicological Index Service

Consult REPTOX file:


Manganèse (exprimé en Mn)

Method: IRSST - 362
Sampling device:
Sampling media required:
913 MCE filter, 37 mm, 0,8µm, preweighed

Flow rate: 1,7 (Nylon) L/min
TWA sampling volume: 204 L
STEL sampling volume: -
Remarks: A cyclone is required for sampling. Refer to the information in InfoLABO 2018-11 regarding limitations related to gravimetric measurement obtained through the use of these cassette. A surface wipe sampling is available. For more information, please contact the IRSST.
Principle: Inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Precision (%): 1,4
Minimum reported value: 1 µg
Remarks: This method allows the analysis of chemical elements present in the sample without distinguishing the different chemical forms. The analytical results are expressed as manganese, respirable fraction.
IRSST, Détermination de métaux dans l'air des lieux de travail par spectrométrie de masse avec plasma à couplage inductif (ICP-MS), Méthodes analytiques, / MA-362-fr, Montréal, IRSST, 2010, 17 pages.

Manganèse (exprimé en Mn)

Method: IRSST - 362
Sampling device:
Sampling media required:
916 MCE filter, 25 mm, 0.8µm, preweighed

Flow rate: 1,7 (Nylon) L/min
TWA sampling volume: 204 L
STEL sampling volume: -
Remarks: A cyclone is required for sampling. Refer to the information in InfoLABO 2018-11 regarding limitations related to gravimetric measurement obtained through the use of these cassette. A surface wipe sampling is available. For more information, please contact the IRSST.
Principle: Inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Precision (%): 1,4
Minimum reported value: 1 µg
Remarks: This method allows the analysis of chemical elements present in the sample without distinguishing the different chemical forms. The analytical results are expressed as manganese, respirable fraction.
IRSST, Détermination de métaux dans l'air des lieux de travail par spectrométrie de masse avec plasma à couplage inductif (ICP-MS), Méthodes analytiques, / MA-362-fr, Montréal, IRSST, 2010, 17 pages.

Manganèse Solu-Sert (as Mn)

Method: IRSST - 394
Sampling device:
Sampling media required:
990 25-mm Solu-Sert MCE filter

Flow rate: 1,7 (Nylon) L/min
TWA sampling volume: 204 L
STEL sampling volume: -
Remarks: A cyclone is required for sampling. A surface wipe sampling is available. For more information, please contact the IRSST.
Principle: Inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Precision (%): 3,4
Minimum reported value: 0,1 µg
Remarks: This method allows the analysis of chemical elements present in the sample without distinguishing the different chemical forms. The analytical results are expressed as manganese, respirable fraction.
IRSST. Détermination de la concentration des métaux dans l’air par ICP-MS – Prélèvement effectué sur filtre encapsulé digérable Solu Sert.

Manganèse Solu-Sert (as Mn)

Method: IRSST - 394
Sampling device:
Sampling media required:
992 37-mm Solu-Sert MCE filter

Flow rate: 1,7 (Nylon) L/min
TWA sampling volume: 204 L
STEL sampling volume: -
Remarks: A cyclone is required for sampling. A surface wipe sampling is available. For more information, please contact the IRSST.
Principle: Inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Precision (%): 3,4
Minimum reported value: 0,1 µg
Remarks: This method allows the analysis of chemical elements present in the sample without distinguishing the different chemical forms. The analytical results are expressed as manganese, respirable fraction.
IRSST. Détermination de la concentration des métaux dans l’air par ICP-MS – Prélèvement effectué sur filtre encapsulé digérable Solu Sert.

Manganese (respirable dust) (as Mn)

Method: IRSST - 362
Sampling device: 941 Respirable impactor (PPI) MCE 37 mm, 0,8 µm, preweighed
Flow rate: 2 L/min
TWA sampling volume: 180 L
STEL sampling volume: -
Remarks: Please note that the use of ECM filters in these cassettes induces a greater variation in the gravimetric analysis. A surface wipe sampling is available. For more information, please contact the IRSST.
Principle: Inductively coupled plasma spectrometry (ICP-MS)
Precision (%): 1,4
Minimum reported value: 1 µg
Remarks: This method allows the analysis of chemical elements present in the sample without distinguishing the different chemical forms. The analytical results are expressed as manganese, respirable fraction.
IRSST, Détermination de métaux dans l'air des lieux de travail par spectrométrie de masse avec plasma à couplage inductif (ICP-MS), Méthodes analytiques, / MA-362-fr, Montréal, IRSST, 2010, 17 pages.