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The IRSST has policies and procedures to guide its research, knowledge dissemination and laboratory services, as well as its practices and those of its employees.
Based on the action principles of the IRSST's mission, the Scientific Policy establishes the general framework for :
Available in French only
The Politique sur l’édition des publications (Publishing policy) sets forth the principles according to which the scientific and technical knowledge produced through research may give rise to an official publication by the Institute. The Policy provides guidelines and publishing procedures that specify the proper ways to standardize the presentation of publications and facilitate their dissemination.
The Politique d'éthique de la recherche avec des êtres humains (Ethics Policy for Research Involving Humans) is a means adopted by the IRSST and its personnel to appropriately address the different dilemmas or concerns associated with research involving humans. The IRSST's Research Ethics Committee supports this process; it must decide on the ethical validity of research projects involving humans carried out by IRSST researchers.
The IRSST Politique sur l'intégrité (Policy on integrity) applies to activities conducted internally and to those conducted externally by researchers working mainly at universities and research centres and whose work is funded by the IRSST.
The IRSST is subject to sections 61.1 and 61.4 of the Act To Secure Handicapped Persons In The Exercise Of Their Rights With A View To Achieving Social, School And Workplace Integration for their educational, occupational and social integration.
The purpose of this policy is to set out the IRSST’s writing guidelines. The IRSST publishes its written documentation in French and this policy is based on the grammatical, orthographic and syntactic recommendations of the Office québécois de la langue française (OQLF).
By implementing its sponsorship policy, the IRSST aims, in particular, to align and harmonize the establishment of visibility agreements that contribute to the achievement of its mission. This policy takes into account the objectives of the IRSST’s strategic planning, and is part of a proactive approach to communications. The IRSST does not grant donations.
Open access consists of the free online availability of digital content. This type of publication promotes broader dissemination of the results of occupational health and safety (OHS) research among the research community and the working world. This is why the IRSST asks all researchers whose work it funds to make their scientific articles available in open access no later than 12 months after their publication in a scholarly journal.
The Politique sur la propriété intellectuelle (Policy on intellectual property) covers copyright and patents. This policy is necessary for the IRSST because it is a unique organization that conducts internal research projects, while also funding external researchers mainly in the university community.
While this document does not provide an exhaustive list of all possible changes that can occur during a project or activity, it sets out the main ones that should be taken into account and that require specific follow-up.
Serious problems sometimes occur during a project or activity. They may be so significant as to call into question the merits of continuing the work. The Institute takes the appropriate measures, as the case may be, and rules on the need to suspend or definitively cancel the research work. This procedure provides guidelines in this regard and the rules to follow.