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The IRSST innovated by estimating, for the first time, the overall costs of occupational injuries in Québec. Using proven methods, its researchers assessed the human and financial costs of industrial accidents and occupational diseases for society as a whole. It was found that the injuries occurring in one year cost an average of $4.6 billion dollars, representing an average cost of $38,500 per injury.
Collaborating with the WHO
The IRSST became a collaborating centre of the World Health Organization (WHO). The role of these centres is to provide WHO with strategic support in carrying out its mandate in the area of OHS.
The IRSST hosted the 36th meeting of the international standardization subcommittee ISO/TC 108/SC 4 on human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock, as well as a meeting of the European Committee for Standardization’s technical committee CEN/TC 231-on mechanical vibration and shock. Around 40 participants from nine countires took part in the work of these committees.
Statistics in the service of OHS research was the theme of the Institute’s 2013 annual institutional colloquium. The theme marked the International Year of Statistics and 100 years of official statistics in Québec. The colloquium highlighted several sources of statistical data that can be used in Québec and showed their usefulness in the development of occupational health and safety research.