All there is to know about formaldehyde
A dozen original studies on formaldehyde were published by five teams of researchers, who studied the health and socioeconomic impacts of a reduction in the then-current permissible exposure value (PEV) for this irritant gas. Their studies validated the economic sectors where this compound was actually used, identified the establishments that used it, estimated the total number of workers exposed, evaluated exposure concentrations by occupation, constructed job/exposure and establishment/exposure matrices (templates) by economic activity sector, examined correction measures, means of prevention and the related costs, etc. See the summary document on formaldehyde exposure.
Operation jeuneSST
Launched by the IRSST, Opération JeuneSST pursued its mandate of planning, organizing and implementing a research development strategy on the theme of young people and occupational health and safety. Activites on the agenda included taking stock of then-current knowledge on this topic, organizing a network of social and scientific partners interested in the issue, and disseminating and promoting the IRSST’s study results in this regard.
Expansion laboratory ergonomics and safety - engineering
The ergonomics and safety engineering laboratoires were enlarged and modernized. This gave the team’s biomechanic scientists more space to set up all their equipment (stadiometers, dynamometers, force plate and Optotrak cameras) to conduct their studies on site. It also meant that the engineers could use an industrial plastic injection press and a metal press, which enabled them to perform lockout tests and modify intramural control systems without having to go to the workplace concerned each time and disrupt activities.