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IRSST-funded researchers at Université de Sherbrooke designed an innovative handle that can reduce the vibration generated by jack-leg drills on miners’ hands by 50%.
The IRSST’s laboratories purchased an ICP-MS instrument for their toxicological analyses, ranking them among the first laboratories in Québec to use this cutting-edge technology.
The IRSST convinced the three research funds in Québec to join with it to promote the creation of the Réseau de recherche en santé et en sécurité du travail du Québec (RRSSTQ) in order to break the isolation experienced by scientists.
The Institute’s mandate consisted of putting in place conditions conducive to unifying the driving forces in the field of OHS research by means of a network project. After obtaining a first budget related to the creation of the Network, an OHS research-mapping tool was created and a task force launched.
After more than 20 years in various positions at the IRSST, including 12 as chief executive officer, Jean Yves Savoie left his post. To replace him, the board of drectors called upon Diane Gaudet, a high-level career executive, naming her the president and chief executive officer.