IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

1991: Research with a human face

New strategic plan

The Institute adopted a strategic plan laying out 5 research orientations nd reflecting its clear wish to provide workplaces with the tools essential to their reducing the number and severity of occupational injuries and to facilitating the rehabilitation of injured workers, particularly by preventing relapses and recurrences. The 15 research fields were as follows: injuries attributable to repetitive work, back problems, industrial noise, chemical and biological contaminants, machines and tools, vibration, protective equipment, the accident process, work organization, air quality, OHS indicators, rehabilitation, evaluation of prevention, safe maternity and sociological and technological changes.

Funding a clinical and ergonomic intervention program

Patrick Loisel

Dr Patrick Loisel

The new back pain clinic at Centre hospitalier universitaire de Sherbrooke was awarded major funding by the IRSST to implement a vast clinical and ergonomic intervention program. Twenty-two thousand workers associated with more than 30 companies in Québec’s Estrie region took part in the coordinated, multidisciplinary case-management project involving back pain sufferers. Physicians specializing in back problems, occupational medicine physicians, occupational therapists, psychologists, ergonomists, physiotherapists, rehabilitation therapists, kinesiologists and CSST rehabilitation counsellors all collaborated in the project. These practitioners and stakeholders advised the workers’ treating physicians.

Prix de la recherche en SST

The IRSST awarded its Prix de la recherche en SST (occupational health and safety research prize) to Jean Nicolas. Professor and director of the Groupe d’acoustique et de vibrationsde l’ Université de Sherbrooke, this researcher thus earned official recognition for his work on sound field analysis, predictive acoustics, the characterization of sound-proofing materials and the application of this research to noise reduction in the workplace.


Jean Nicolas

For a safe maternity

At the CSST’s request, a working group was formed to study the issue of pregnant women in the workforce, particularly the scientific bases for the protective measures offered at that time to such women and their unborn children.

Departure and appointment
Cléent Godbout

Clément Godbout, secretary general of the Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (FTQ), replaced Louis Laberge who left his functions as president of the FTQ and as member of the IRSST’s Board of Directors and administrative committee. Louis Laberge was one of the three signatories of the Letters Patent that created the IRSST.