Horizontal lifeline systems (HLLSs) are an inexpensive and effective way to protect workers against falls from heights. Designing them is a complex problem, however, due to the dynamic nature of the load and cable sag.
Intended as much for engineers designing new active fall protection systems as for prevention officers wanting to review the compliance of existing systems, the app can be used to design horizontal lifeline systems (HLSs), also called flexible continuous anchorage systems. Incorporating the nomograms developed when the technical guide was being updated and all HLS design parameters, the new tool offers a user-friendly way to calculate cable tension and deflection for fall arrest purposes, as well as the clearance required in relation to the cable.
This app is a complement to the new edition of the technical guide Protecting against Falls from Heights – Horizontal Lifeline Design, which had to be updated to bring it in line with regulatory changes.
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