IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail


ISO/TC 299/WG 3: Robotics – Industrial Safety

ISO/TC 299/WG 3: Robotics – Industrial Safety

From October 7 to 10, the IRSST will host the meeting of the international standardization committee ISO/TC 299/WG 3:  Robotics – Industrial SafetySabrina Jocelyn, a researcher at the IRSST, is a committee member.

ISO/TC 299/WG 3 is a working group within the ISO Technical Committee 299, focused on the development of international standards related to the safety of industrial robots. One of the primary outcomes of this group is the ISO 10218 series, which sets essential safety requirements for industrial robotic systems and their integration. The mission of the WG 3 working group is to ensure the safe use of robots in various industries by establishing guidelines for design, installation, and risk assessment.

This working group collaborates with stakeholders worldwide, including integrators, safety experts, and manufacturers, to develop these safety standards. It plays a critical role in ensuring that, as robotics technology evolves, safety remains a priority in workplaces where humans and robots interact.