The process
To promote more effective management of violence by workplaces, we propose a five-step process.
How can you ensure a solid partnership?
What are the organizational constraints in your workplace?
What changes must be made to reduce these constraints?
How should these changes be made?
How can you check that you are doing the right things?
Print the Process document in PDF format
For each step, you will find:
- possible courses of action and suggestions to guide you, based on the knowledge gained from research;
- tips based on the factors facilitating success in the COs project and that will enlighten you as you proceed;
- simple, user-friendly downloadable tools that you can use and adapt to your organizational context without having to create your own;
- complementary information to assist you if you wish to go further in your process;
- checklists (Do the test) that you can use to monitor the progress being made in your prevention process and to ensure that you have analyzed the different strategies before moving on to the next step.
You will be able to:
- consult each of the five steps one at a time in order to implement a complete, orderly process;
- consult any one of the five steps as needed and according to the progress you are making toward violence prevention.