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Valeur prédictive du jugement clinique d'ergothérapeutes auprès d'une clientèle avec maux de dos. Étude pilote
Durand M. J., Durand P., Loisel P.
Source : Revue québécoise d'ergothérapie, vol. 3, 1994, p. 155
Classification Criteria and Severity Assessment in Work-Associated Upper Extremity Disorders: Methods Matter
Katz J. N., Stock S. R., Evanoff B. A., Rempel D., Moore S., Franzblau A., Gray R. H.
Source : American Journal of Industrial Medicine, vol. 38, no 4, 2000, p. 369-72
Cross-cultural differences between English Ontarians and French Québécois: Do they influence measurement of functional status of workers with neck and upper limb disorders?
Stock S. R., Loisel P., Durand M. J., Streiner D., Tugwell P., Lemaire J., Boucher M.
Source : Canadian Journal of Rehabilitation 1998, vol. 11, 1998, p. 199-200
Cross-cultural Differences Between English and French Canadians and the Measurement of Health Status of Workers with Neck and Upper Limb Disorders
Source : PREMUS-ISEOH '98 : 3rd International Scientific Conference on Prevention of Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders (3rd : September 21-25, 1998 : Helsinki, Finland), 1998
Mesure de l'impact des lésions musculo-squelettiques chez les travailleurs atteints: Développement et validation d'un nouvel outil - l'IDVQ («Indice d'impact des Douleurs au cou et aux membres supérieurs sur la Vie Quotidienne») / NULI (Neck and Upper Limb Index)
Stock S.
Source : Congrès sur la santé au travail, Féderation des omnipracticiens du Québec / FMOQ (septembre 1999 : Québec, Canada), 1999
Validation of the neck and upper limb index (NULI), a functional status instrument for work related musculoskeletal disorders
Stock S., Streiner D., Tugwell P., Loisel P., Reardon R., Durand M. J.
Source : In 25ème Congrès annuel de la Commission internationale de santé au travail /CIST (1996 : Stockholm, Suède), 1996
Review of applicability of existing functional status measures to the study of workers with musculoskeletal disorders of the neck and upper limb
Stock S. R., Cole D. C., Tugwell P.
Source : American Journal of Industrial Medicine, vol. 29, no 6, 1996, p. 679-688
Measuring severity and disability in neck and upper extremity disorders: a critical review of existing instruments
Stock S. R., Katz J., Beaton D.
Source : Consensus Conference on Case Definitions of Upper Extremity Musculoskeletal Disorders (Nov. 15-16, 1996 : Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland), 1996
Workers’ self-reports of job demands : reliability and validity of questions measuring physical work demands
Fernandes R., Stock S., Vézina N., Delisle A.
Source : in 6th Brazilian Congress of Epidemiology, (6th : June 19-23, 2004 : Recife, Brazil), 2004
Does education level influence response rate to the decision latitude scale of the job content questionnaire? Results from the 1992 Quebec general health and social survey
Stock S. R., Shardonofsky S., Brisson C., Zaabat S.
Source : in Low Back Pain and Disability: Unravelling the Puzzle, (November 30-Dec 2, 2000 : New York, NY), 2000