IRSST - Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail

Bringing knowledge together to inform occupational health and safety action

The IRSST contributes to workers’ health and safety through research, its laboratories’ expertise, and knowledge dissemination and transfer, with a view to promoting prevention and sustainable return to work.

 OHS Agenda

  • Rendez-vous de la science

    Outils pour soutenir le retour progressif au travail, January 9 2025 - 11am hybrid

All Events (in French)

Designed Especially for Workplaces

Awareness-Raising Guides and Tools


  Laboratory Services

  • NEWSlip Resistance Test for Protective Footwear

  • Evaluation of the Efficacy of N95-Type Respiratory Protective Devices and Barrier Masks 

  • Environmental, Toxicological and Biological Analysis Services

  • Recognition Programs

  • Loaning, repairing, and calibrating monitoring equipment

  • Methods, Specialized Guides and Tools

Find Out More

Grants, Scholarships and Research Partnerships

IRSST Research Funds ans Partenerships

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