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Choosing their schedules: a preventive strategy for private homecare agency nurses
Bourdouxhe M., Cloutier E., Ledoux É., Marchand A., David H., Gagnon I., Ouellet F.
Source : in XVIIth International Symposium on Shiftwork and Working Time of the International Commission on Occupational Health / ICOH (17th : September 18-22, 2005 : Hoofddorp, The Netherlands), 2005
Passer du public au privé: des compromis inquiétant pour la santé des infirmières
Cloutier E., Ledoux É., Ouellet F., Gagnon I., David H., Bourdouxhe M.
Source : in La vie professionnelle : âge, expérience et santé à l'épreuve des conditions de travail, Molinié, A.F.; Gaudart, C., Pueyo, V. (éds), Paris, Octarès, 2012, p. 285-304 (Collection travail et activité humaine)
Private agency nurses and public network nurses: different work and risks
Cloutier E., Ledoux É., Bourdouxhe M., David H., Gagnon I., Ouellet F.
Source : in The Changing World of Work : International Conference on psychosocial Factors at Work / ICOH-WOPS (4th : June 14-17, 2010 : Amsterdam, The Netherlands), 2010